Just to start, I haven't changed anything it a while so it's not something new causing the problem. My current setup:
Pioneer CD/MP3 player -> front speakers (which have no noise)
"" -> 4 Channel amp -> rear 6x9's
"" -> "" -> two channels bridged into sub.
Anyway, today for no good reason I start getting noise through the amp (well the speakers hooked up to the amp). To be more specific, it's electrical interference when I have the AC fan on, that is electric fan, not the AC itself. It gets worse the higher fan speed you select. There is also a bup bup bup low (bass) pitch tone when the fan isn't on. Something else playing not so nice.
I have tried removing the RCA's from the amp and the sound goes away, tried a fresh set of RCA's dangling across the seats, same noise. Checked the power wiring behind the deck, re did the wiring... still no dice.
At the moment I don't have a filter at all on the system, but why would the noise start for no good reason? Something worked through a wire and is touching something? Who knows?
Do you think a filter will fix the problem, or do you think the deck has issues. Sadly I have another deck here I can test, problem is rewiring the whole damn thing. Plan B is to get a 12V DC source and hook the deck up to other power, at least that only requires 2 or 3 wires and will tell me if isolating the deck will help.
Anyone have any ideas?