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Thread: Mk7 Golf Bluetooth, remove paired phones from Head Unit memory. How?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Mentone, Victoria
    Users Country Flag

    Mk7 Golf Bluetooth, remove paired phones from Head Unit memory. How?

    Ok guys. My headunit is giving me the massive irritations at this point. My iPhone would always pair up fairly easily (most of the time) with my car upon entry no worries.

    However I had to pair my iPad for various reasons as well after a while. Now the system knows my iPad and my iPhone.

    However whenever I enter my car now (iphone has BT turned off for a week now permanently for these tests) the iPad pairs up with the system (usually) after a while.
    However it just shows the battery icon on the screen clearly indicating its paired with the iPAD. However the screen also says "Not connect to device" or whatever it normally says.

    I have to then manually go to Source, select BT and select the iPad again and sometimes quickly it connects fully and properly and other times it just sits there for an eternity with the pop-up message (Connecting AD2P etc).

    Sometimes it takes me as much as 5 minutes of infuriating time to get the thing to connect.

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Mentone, Victoria
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    No luck on this I guess?


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