OK so I am FINALLY geting my install underway. Work going nuts, and a hot hot new girlie

have kinda delayed the audio plans, but we're finally getting there.
Thus far I've only got the head unit in this week, but had a bit of a problem. I ran direct 16ga power wire for the head unit, fused, to the battery, but on hooking it up to the terminals the positive wire started to get a bit warm at the battery end despite the stereo being off ( no ignition ) and before I worked out the wire wasn't hot from the torch I had next to it and cut it, it had blown the fuse in the line in a nice puff of smoke!
Now I have hooked it up via the 12v in the headunit plug, and it's running fine.
My question is, why? I couldn't find any shorts, and double checked all the wires before powering it up, and on hooking up the dash 12v it is running just fine. I can't figure out the reason for the current drain that made the direct wire get hot, nor why 16 guage wasn't enough. Is the mistake too thin a wire direct to the battery??
I'm very lost ( but GLAD nothing serious went bang! )