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Thread: MK5 stereo install advice

  1. #31
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    Personally I would get the Oz Me. Mount it magnet out, add some darcon and you will be sweet. Or the boston bum out will look awesome. I have the 12inch OZ with 600WRMS and it doesn't overpower my splits which are getting around 70WRMS although it is turned down. I need the 12 though for the low Hz. The 10inch didn't cut it for me but with space at a premium you will probably like it. Hertz gear it good, Mille is pure awesome but lots of $$$.

    Glidn that sucks that no one does those brands. rm audio are the Aust distributors of Hertz / Audison / Morel perhaps someone in NZ should have a chat to them....

    As with everything audition it and see how you like it. Personally I have never liked a 10inch. From the IDMAX to DD 9510 to Treo SSi none have impressed me.... so far
    Bora has gone ;( Custom sub box and beige floor mats to suit for sale.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by cogdoc View Post
    OK, I've played with the tape measure and putting in even a shallow 10" would be a mission to keep it nice and level with the wheel arch. I'm even wondering where the heck to put the amp I have! Space is the major factor for me, I may dream of a 12" in a box, but I know it will spend a lot of time out of the car, which defeats the purpose.

    Seems the left side would give a "box" volume around 10-13 litres if I do a bit of metal work for the magnet.That RE8 is starting to look pretty good.

    I've heard these Hertz speakers mentioned like gods before...are they REALLY that great, or is it the old law of diminishing returns?
    Yeah i know where you are coming from as far as boot space is considered. hence for past 4 months i have always explored idea's outside the box. And what would you know? The RE8 fitted that bill. And 10 - 13 Litres would be superb for this little monster.

    And only requires 4 Inch mounting depth.

    I guess in most likely 12ish months i will be in the same boat that you are currently in. If i can help of course.

    Mr Charisma - Yeah it does bite the dust, not being able to play with those products here.

    I guess there price point hear will most likely outweigh the likelyhood of them sellings. As Parallel importing is such a big thing here.

    That Proper established channels and networks for gear, slowly becomes un cost effective.

    At least that is the only reason i can currently see why nobody does those brands in NZ. Or at least i have been unable to find in NZ.
    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by glidn View Post
    I guess in most likely 12ish months i will be in the same boat that you are currently in. If i can help of course.

    Mr Charisma - Yeah it does bite the dust, not being able to play with those products here.

    I guess there price point hear will most likely outweigh the likelyhood of them sellings. As Parallel importing is such a big thing here.

    That Proper established channels and networks for gear, slowly becomes un cost effective.

    At least that is the only reason i can currently see why nobody does those brands in NZ. Or at least i have been unable to find in NZ.
    Hmm I have had a quick look around around and I think your right. No one seems willing, or able for that matter, to bite the bullet and introduce many of the new products. If you get a chance you should have a look at and go to products to see what people in Sydney can go down and Audition.

    Don't worry if it makes you feel any better, I know guys in far North Qld who are in the same boat as you. They stock Focal, at least that is a start from the all Pioneer / Clarion / Alpine gear.
    Bora has gone ;( Custom sub box and beige floor mats to suit for sale.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr ©harisma View Post
    Hmm I have had a quick look around around and I think your right. No one seems willing, or able for that matter, to bite the bullet and introduce many of the new products. If you get a chance you should have a look at and go to products to see what people in Sydney can go down and Audition.

    Don't worry if it makes you feel any better, I know guys in far North Qld who are in the same boat as you. They stock Focal, at least that is a start from the all Pioneer / Clarion / Alpine gear.
    Thanks for that

    maybe i should fly over to sydney, to have a listen to all this gear available. then get some myself.
    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
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  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by glidn View Post
    Thanks for that

    maybe i should fly over to sydney, to have a listen to all this gear available. then get some myself.
    It might be worth a trip because there are serveral of the countrys best there. Doran / Lifestyle / Platinum to name a few. I might post up some picces of my boot install that was done at FHRX, anyone in Sydney who needs advice should go see Marty or Joel.
    Bora has gone ;( Custom sub box and beige floor mats to suit for sale.

  6. #36
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    I know the owner of RM Audio quite well, I could pop the question to him if you like. He may be willing to ship to you.

    PM me if you would like...

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr ©harisma View Post
    It might be worth a trip because there are serveral of the countrys best there. Doran / Lifestyle / Platinum to name a few. I might post up some picces of my boot install that was done at FHRX, anyone in Sydney who needs advice should go see Marty or Joel.
    Yeah i think you should start a new thread on some of the installs you ahve done, i would be very interested in deed to see them.

    As for cogdoc, let us know your progress, would be very interested indeed as to what you end up doing.

    and lastly qsilverza, thanks for the offer, i generally never buy gear if i have not heard it at least once. but thanks, i may take you up on the offer in the future.
    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by glidn View Post
    Yeah i think you should start a new thread on some of the installs you ahve done, i would be very interested in deed to see them.

    As for cogdoc, let us know your progress, would be very interested indeed as to what you end up doing.

    and lastly qsilverza, thanks for the offer, i generally never buy gear if i have not heard it at least once. but thanks, i may take you up on the offer in the future.
    Yeah ill try and round up some picces. Nothing that exciting, most people that I help get a prefab box and some amps. My car is ok, still not finished ( it never is lol ).

    Umm if you want to check out the suppliers site it is Honestly glidn if there was only supplier I could choose from it would be them. They sell:
    Morel Speakers( Yummy 9" mids, Supremo tweeters ),
    Audison Amps ( have these in my car, awesome! Italian quality )
    Hertz Gear ( Mille ribbon mid is god, Mille sub, HP amps )

    Have not used anything yet from Morel personally, as I said I have Audison amps and both my girlfriend and bro have Hertz components and I had a Hertz HXS300 for a month for Audition.
    Bora has gone ;( Custom sub box and beige floor mats to suit for sale.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr ©harisma View Post
    Yeah ill try and round up some picces. Nothing that exciting, most people that I help get a prefab box and some amps. My car is ok, still not finished ( it never is lol ).

    Umm if you want to check out the suppliers site it is Honestly glidn if there was only supplier I could choose from it would be them. They sell:
    Morel Speakers( Yummy 9" mids, Supremo tweeters ),
    Audison Amps ( have these in my car, awesome! Italian quality )
    Hertz Gear ( Mille ribbon mid is god, Mille sub, HP amps )

    Have not used anything yet from Morel personally, as I said I have Audison amps and both my girlfriend and bro have Hertz components and I had a Hertz HXS300 for a month for Audition.
    Hey, it's just so funny, those that know alot of car audio systems, no matter what our systems are never finished.

    As for the Morel fronts you have, i would aprreciate a few pics of it in the front of your MK4 golf/Bora?

    But yeah The Morel's are very nice, never heard a set thou.
    But would love a 8 or 9" mid in 3 way in the front of my car.
    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
    Secret Project

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    lol na dude I don't have Morel fronts yet, I ended up going with Boston Acoustics cause they where $100 cheaper and sounded almost the same ( as the equalivent Morel 6inch ). Ill do up a new thread with everything so far so it can give people so ideas as well.
    Bora has gone ;( Custom sub box and beige floor mats to suit for sale.

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