Please don't double post.
What cable are you using to connect the iPod to the MDI?
hi guys,
I have the standard rcd310 in my tig, and had the media device installed factory to play my ipod through the stereo.
I plugged my ipod in, but it comes up with the message "Media device not supported"
Anyone have this issue ?
Sorry, I will also post this in the audio section.
Thanks guys
Please don't double post.
What cable are you using to connect the iPod to the MDI?
Sorry !
I am just using the standard cable that I got with my Ipod (nano) - that you plug into your pc (usb) ...
Is that the wrong one ?
Yes.... There is an MDI iPod cable that you need. You can get it from VW for about $90, or from overseas for about half that.
Thank you mate, will give VW a buzz, hopefully they have them in stock.
Sorry for the double posting.