You have to press the "folder up" icon on the display to access other options.
Hey all,
Sorry I thought of something else....
When I plug my iphone in to the MDI unit for the all works ok, connects, and plays music, but when I go to 'selection' it only shows me 'songs' ALL songs A-Z, and does not give me any other option of browsing my music.
Is there any way to get this so I can view it as albums, or artists, or even playlists like when playing on the iphone?
Thanks all
MkV (2007) Golf R32 | Black | Fully Standard - For now!
You have to press the "folder up" icon on the display to access other options.
MY11 Tiguan 147TSI (SOLD)
that doesnt take me anywhere?! just to a top level folder that says 'Chris' which is the name of my iphone...Hmmm
MkV (2007) Golf R32 | Black | Fully Standard - For now!
I'm having exactly the same issue, were you able to resolve this problem? if so can you please advise what needs to be done?