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Thread: Map updates - Discover Pro

  1. #101
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    I used a 128GB USB drive that I've used before to update the maps. It was ExFat formatted. From memory the downloaded file was 15Gb and after unzipping with 7 Zip it was 19GB. Can anyone who downloaded the Pro map confirm those sizes?

    It seems like my system is missing information to show any map detail closer than 40km in.

    If previous versions are available to download, does the Pro let you install an older map?
    Last edited by LimestoneR7; 19-09-2024 at 08:00 PM.

  2. #102
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    Ok just downloaded 373 from Flipper as above and yes its 15gb which is much smaller than they used to be. Why not go up to his January version and try using that It wont hurt Will either work or not. I use WIN RAR to unzip it to a HDD and then copy it to a card. You should have 3 lines on the card
    MIB 1
    MIB 2
    Dont alter anything or it wont work Just load the lot and wait.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  3. #103
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    I downloaded the earlier version. The file size was 10gb larger than the current version.
    I received the same error message. all works! I can't explain it. I went for a short drive to confirm.

    I'm going away this weekend so at least I will have some maps rather than none at all.

    Hopefully the next update will work for me.
    Last edited by LimestoneR7; 20-09-2024 at 11:49 PM.

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by LimestoneR7 View Post
    I downloaded the earlier version. The file size was 10gb larger than the current version.
    I received the same error message. all works! I can't explain it. I went for a short drive to confirm.

    I'm going away this weekend so at least I will have some maps rather than none at all.

    Hopefully the next update will work for me.
    So whats the update on this Is it working or not
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    So whats the update on this Is it working or not
    Yes the old version worked exactly as it should have. I'm no IT expert but somehow I think that logically the 10gb smaller file size of the current map does contain less overall map data, with the outcome of losing the map image data at the street level.

    It's all working on the same system as before so I can't see how the file compression could be more efficient than before, whilst provide the level of detail as in prior updates.

    Maybe someone from VW reads this and might be able to figure out why I had the issues with the current map.

    It will be interesting to see what the next map update holds.
    Last edited by LimestoneR7; 24-09-2024 at 08:07 AM.

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by LimestoneR7 View Post
    Yes the old version worked exactly as it should have. I'm no IT expert but somehow I think that logically the 10gb smaller file size of the current map does contain less overall map data, with the outcome of losing the map image data at the street level.
    No, the smaller file includes all of the micro-level street data. To exclude that information would be just plain bonkers.

    I can confirm no issues with the latest maps with the smaller file size (373) at my end:

    Map updates - Discover Pro-459686679_1381331849490594_7267246259437280469_n-jpg

    Explanation on briskoda:

    Columbus Map Update 2024-2025 (MIB1/2 HIGH) - Audio, Electronics and Security - BRISKODA

    "Yes these slimmed down mib2 high only versions were the preserve of Audi drivers only that got them on the paid mapcare subscription behind a pay wall previously. The versions released on Skoda, VW and Seat were the combined mib 1/2 high release where they could be used in either unit. This release drops the mib1 high support but you must present all folders to the unit. The programmers have called the directionarys mib1 and mib2 but it needs both, just they got a rubbish directory naming convention.

    We had already seen a few months back the mib2 high only release of 370 in the Audi form curtesy of Russians boards and This file appears to be identical to that one except it has some additional checksums in it. The ones with the additional checksums are by country. I only checked the UK on these which demonstrated the early release of 370 was the same as this 370 for the UK once you ignored the additional checksums. VW must use a different way of manufacturing these files from the source materiel with more checksums or they changed their processes if it all comes from the same place.

    The main thing is not to get excited by the drop in file size. It's fine it's for mib2 highs only. Columbus, Seat Plus and Discover Pro and those Audi mib2 highs. Present all files as you have always done.

    You can use a Mac but you must use CleanMydrive to remove the Mac file garbage off the drive once copied before putting it in the unit else it will fail the integrity signature check."
    Last edited by petemac110; 24-09-2024 at 09:51 AM.

  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by petemac110 View Post
    No, the smaller file includes all of the micro-level street data. To exclude that information would be just plain bonkers.

    I can confirm no issues with the latest maps with the smaller file size (373) at my end:

    Map updates - Discover Pro-459686679_1381331849490594_7267246259437280469_n-jpg

    Explanation on briskoda:

    Columbus Map Update 2024-2025 (MIB1/2 HIGH) - Audio, Electronics and Security - BRISKODA

    "Yes these slimmed down mib2 high only versions were the preserve of Audi drivers only that got them on the paid mapcare subscription behind a pay wall previously. The versions released on Skoda, VW and Seat were the combined mib 1/2 high release where they could be used in either unit. This release drops the mib1 high support but you must present all folders to the unit. The programmers have called the directionarys mib1 and mib2 but it needs both, just they got a rubbish directory naming convention.

    We had already seen a few months back the mib2 high only release of 370 in the Audi form curtesy of Russians boards and This file appears to be identical to that one except it has some additional checksums in it. The ones with the additional checksums are by country. I only checked the UK on these which demonstrated the early release of 370 was the same as this 370 for the UK once you ignored the additional checksums. VW must use a different way of manufacturing these files from the source materiel with more checksums or they changed their processes if it all comes from the same place.

    The main thing is not to get excited by the drop in file size. It's fine it's for mib2 highs only. Columbus, Seat Plus and Discover Pro and those Audi mib2 highs. Present all files as you have always done.

    You can use a Mac but you must use CleanMydrive to remove the Mac file garbage off the drive once copied before putting it in the unit else it will fail the integrity signature check."
    Thank you for the explanation and it makes sense. It will therefore work on the later PRO 2.5 units as well I guess.

    Macs are more trouble than they are worth
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Thank you for the explanation and it makes sense. It will therefore work on the later PRO 2.5 units as well I guess.

    Macs are more trouble than they are worth
    The info on briskoda is pretty useful - and it emphasises what you've consistently mentioned regarding the file format/structure etc. If one aspect goes awry, she doesn't work!

    Yeah, steer away from the macs!!

  9. #109
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    OK so I think I understand this. The key is slimmed down mib2 high only versions". I have a Pro MIB1 unit. How do I update my maps?

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by LimestoneR7 View Post
    OK so I think I understand this. The key is slimmed down mib2 high only versions". I have a Pro MIB1 unit. How do I update my maps?
    Grab the previous Rest of World 2024 update here, which is the 'full fat' file:

    Columbus Map Update 2024 (MIB1/2 HIGH) - Audio, Electronics and Security - BRISKODA

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