No I didn't, Apple changed the pins on the apple connector that were used for charging and made further changes to the requirements for charging after that to preclude non Apple chargers.
No they won't.OK, so since the changes are made at the Apple 30pin end then the scenario I mentioned above should work. I'll go through it in simpler terms.
IncorrectStandard USB port --> Standard supplied USB iPod cable --> iPod.
This setup supplies power.
- USB port on a computer where there is resistance on the data pins will supply power.
- USB port on a charger from Apple or updated aftermarket supply that has a resister across the datapins will supply power.
- USB port that does not have the data pins connected or has no resistance on there will not work.
That setup is not designed to work, the MDI to USB cable is only for mass storage devices and not for the control of the iCrud. It clearly states this in the MDI user guide.VW MDI to USB cable ---> Standard supplied USB iPod cable --> iPod.
This setup does not supply power.
The VW MDI to iPoo cable will charge the device and it will control it as well.
The standard USB port on the MDI does offer up 5V and the iTurd can see this 5V however it will not charge because there is no resistance on the data pins. Once again this is because Apple decided to only charge their devices from Apple supplied accessories or via a computer. Apple are the ones who are not following the USB specifications here not VWNow….given all the Apple voodoo pinout trickery and signal across data pins has been retained by the same known good cable, why does this not work? I mean, if it were a standard USB port to standard specs, it should supply power on the pins right?
Everyone who created devices over the period when Apple decided to change specifications had problems, many devices had to be turfed out because you couldn't upgrade or fix them so don't try and make out like some companies had no problems when they all did.Oh I'm aware that other manufacturers have the same issue. I'm sure there are vehicles out there in a worse position . I'm also fully aware of those that seem to have no problems at all.
Yes they would, plug in your genuine Fanboi cable into a standard 5V USB power supply and watch it sit there and fail to charge.I guess this is as perfect a time as any to subtly point out that none of these problems with changes to pinouts would exist if you were able to use the original cable that came with the respective devices