Really?? The ones I used had USB ports and they all just worked. No legacy cables....etc. Just works. Units I have sampled recently were by Hyundai, BMW, Volvo and Holden. The point remains - how do they get it right and VW can't?
Perhaps VW can come up with some oblique and expensive legacy cable for that. You mean to say there are some VW's that don't have an analogue port but do have MDI? Eek, another example of the validity of this thread.
OK, I understand this. They are trying to avoid putting in an analogue port in. Both our newish VW's have an analogue 3.5mm port anyway so that negates the whole analogue via MDI thing. Again - other manufacturers seems to make this work well.
Not sure how this is unique to VW or MDI. Another null point.
Yet, other manufacturers can. This is kind of the point.
It must be easy. Why can't VW do this?
Funny you mention how you mention a proprietary expensive solution in a thread about how the MDI system is a proprietary expensive solution.
This thread applies for other devices too. Why should I have to buy a proprietary cable for each of my devices, whether it be a USB stick, iPhone or Android. The point is, every other car I've driven recently allow you to take your device straight into the car without a silly over priced extra that is fiddly to remove. It's just a poorly designed setup.