Does anyone know whether the upgrade from the RCD 310 to the RCD 510 (which I'm not even sure is available in Australia - as everyone seems to only talk about the RNS 510 - which I am not interested in) has a capacity to search large folders by allowing you to , say, go straight to "v" in artist lists. Currently, lets say I feel like a bit of Vanessa Amarosi for a particular drive - currently on the RCD 310 I can go to "top" folder - flick across to the "artists" folder and then open it and flick through about 200 artists starting from "A" before I get to "V". - I'm thinking I should also just have a bunch of CDs in the car for when I feel like listening to a particular album, unless its ABBA! - as things down in the alphabet are excrutiating to get to without some override that can get you further into the alphabet quicker. Sometimes you are just in the mood for a particular song - and then you look at the interface - and think (forget it - it doesn't matter- it will take me the duration of the song just to find it if I have to go through everything in a sequential order). The RCD 310 does a great job of playing the tunes on an iPod nano - but if you have a lot of songs - you end up just playing ones that start in the A to C range unless you are on random.
Thus - I want to know whether the upgraded touch screen RCD 510 would allow that. If so, might be worth looking at replacing the RCD 310 unit.
On the touch screen models you can 'drag' the up / down slider on the right hand side down the list of folders, 'page down' by tapping under the slider, or go down one at a time hitting the arrow at the bottom. Pretty much the same as on a PC. This is assuming that you are using an SD card or an MDI / iPod.
So you can move through artists lists pretty quickly.