Good luck with that.
I never said any company was perfect however Apple released their iphone knowing that the bluetooth was not compatible with many bluetooth devices, they also knew of the reception issues and they knew of the shattering glass issue but still choose to release it.However for you to totally rip into Apple like that is a bit over the top, name one other company that has a 100% perfection rate on all features, across all of their products - none! In fact name one other company that makes telephones that are 100% perfect, again none.
Apple are an arrogant company that comes from super arrogant steve jobs, they will not accept any flaws in their product and their response to the latter two issues has been to introduce a slip on cover (to stop you from shorting out the aerials) and to quietly remove the slip on cover from their stores (to prevent the glass shattering).
Nothing has changed, Apple are an arrogant company and they released a product with known flaws expecting their customers to buy new hardware to match the flawed bluetooth stack instead of telling customers that they know there are compatibility issues and they will be fixed.So before you go preaching that Apple need to lift their game you should take a reality check and realise nothing in this world is perfect.
If you think that it's ok that apple released their product with bluetooth flaws along with the other ones and covered them up you should realise that apple are not the be all and end all and there are other products and companies out there that don't treat their customers that way. It's funny that you're happy to criticise Volkswagen for the 3 year old $800 bluetooth kit when it's not at fault and has worked for the last 3 years but not Apple for the new $1000 iphone 4 that is at fault