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Thread: Iphone 4.0

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Perth, WA
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    Just tested my iPhone 4 with the MDI in a MK6 and it works fine. I have however not been able to get my 3G iPhone to work. On the phone it keeps comming up with some error about not being compatilble and the headunit says no media player is detected. Very annoying

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Perth, WA
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    Sorted now. The error still comes up but if you just leave you phone plugged in it will start talking to the headunit.

    BTW sound via the iPhone and iPod is pretty pathetic. USB stick with the same music on it = 100% better, not sure if its the cable or what.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Sydney, NSW
    Quote Originally Posted by reaction View Post
    BTW sound via the iPhone and iPod is pretty pathetic. USB stick with the same music on it = 100% better, not sure if its the cable or what.
    I don't know if you're using a cable into AUX? If so the ipod/iphone headphone port isn't a line-out port ... it has an amplifier designed to drive headphones (and pretty small ones). I have an 80gb ipod 5g "classic" which sounds great with my sennheiser headphones, however my iphone 3GS can't drive these headphones (impedance is 50Ω on these). The same ipod has a trouble driving the RD4 headunit in my peugeot (have to pump the volume about 2x the radio setting, even with the ipod on max volume.

    Ideally you want line out from your ipod/iphone etc (audio hasn't gone through the amplifier yet) passed into your line-in port and then amplify that signal once.

    ... hopefully this is what the MDI ipod thingy does in the golf I am looking at buying.

  4. #14
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    Nope Im not using the Aux port. I have the MDI kit installed and using the proper iPod cable, might try my iPod classic tonight to see what it sounds like.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Take it back. It should sound as good, does on mine.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Sydney NSW
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    I have just received my new iphone, its a great device aside from a few quirks (eg inaccurate white colour balance when taking night time indoor shots and patchy reception in some areas).

    However, I am very pleased to report that it has synced well with my Kufatec Blue Tooth unit. All the contacts seem to come up well and I was able to re program speed dial numbers etc. The quality of the calls seems similar to that of my 3G iphone though I did have some reception issues in some areas (but this is probably not relating to any Blue Tooth issue).

    I am also pleased to report that it works reasonably well with my mdi unit, although the same usual warning about my device being an iphone still comes up.

    You don't know how relieved I am. I was really looking forward to the iphone 4.0 but was really worried that I would have to revert to the old one if it did not sync too well.

    Anyway hope that helps anyone else there with the Kufatek unit considering a new iphone 4.
    MY10 Passat CC V6 - RNS510, GPS, RVC, self park, dynaudio, cooling seats!

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