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Thread: Interesting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Kew, VIC


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Northern Sydney
    Users Country Flag
    I find that article horrifying... i spose one man's vanilla "iOS Nirvana" is another man's "boring as bat****" world.

    I spose I have to drop in the disclaimer... in that I hate (the modern) apple and everything it stands for...

    Having a Gap Year!!!!
    what next?... what next?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
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    Quote Originally Posted by FSI 220 View Post
    I find that article horrifying... i spose one man's vanilla "iOS Nirvana" is another man's "boring as bat****" world.

    I spose I have to drop in the disclaimer... in that I hate (the modern) apple and everything it stands for...
    Fair enough.

    I personaly don't mind the brand, as long is it works flawlessly, I enjoy it.
    I also have the disclaimer to add... I don't have any Apple product yet, but I like the gadgets.
    Only if I had more time to play with them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Northern Sydney
    Users Country Flag

    I am the one with the problem... a billion apple acolites (including my wife) versus one of me....

    To clarify, its the comment calling for apple to build the iCar that horrifies me... it will be something like a Prius, available only in White or Black, not be a terribly good car, like an iPhone is not a terribly good phone... but you will be able to My Face from the steering wheel and Twatter through the gearstick....

    And ultimately, it wont do exactly what you want, even though it is yours and you bought it, so you will have to Jailbreak it and break into the OS... like we do with a VCDS cable and... hangon... oh dear...


    Having a Gap Year!!!!
    what next?... what next?


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