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Thread: Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014
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    Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth

    Yesterday I undertook the task of installing a 9w7 Bluetooth Unit into my RCD 310. Im soon upgrading to a Bosch RCD 510 unit to fully unlock the 9w7 capabilities.
    I will also be selling Bosch RCD 510 Units soon as I have somebody who works at VW that can get it for a very good price (trade price) I will also be selling it much cheaper than the other competitors.

    I also apologize for not taking photos as at the time it didn't cross my mind but i will try to be as detailed as possible.
    I also know that their are other guides out there, but hopefully my guide is a bit more in depth and relevant to our Polo.

    Tools you will need:

    • Yellow Tongue (Available at hardware stores, used to push through wires)
    • 9w7/9w2 bluetooth unit (Can also purchase through me. Will sell cheaper than others on ebay)
    • VW Bluetooth Harness. ( These come in plug n play and also just the wires that require splicing)
    • Trim Removal tools (to remove trims around head unit)
    • Torx screwdriver
    • Soldering iron**
    • Heatshrink**
    • VCDS

    **only if you do not have plug n play harness

    The first step is to insure that your interior light has the slot for your microphone. Most likely your cars interior light would not have the upgraded interior light since we are retrofitting the bluetooth. You can find some on ebay, and you will see that it has some holes for the microphone. If you cant find any, ask me and ill order some in.

    Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-img_20140923_165410-jpg

    This is what my interior light looks like. I had to buy one separately as my car didnt come with this interior light

    1. Remove your interior light by removing the screws and pulling it off. Once that is done, disconnect the cable to power the light.
    2. Remove driver side pillar. To do this, pull from the top towards the windshield. The actual air bag is not in the pillar so dont be scared that you will damage the airbag. This is in by clips and does require some force. I suggest you be careful not to rip it off too hard as there is a speaker in there that is connected. One the pillar is off, remove the speaker cable as well.
      Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-pillar-jpg
    3. Next is removing the black plastic thats to the side of the steering wheel. This lifts off easy and is held in with clips.
      Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-side-plastic-jpg
    4. The actual microphone is seprate from the cables, so place the microphone into the microphone slot in the interior light. The next step is to stick the yellow to get some electrical tape and tape the microphone cable to the yellow tongue. The microphone cable is seperated to the rest, so you do not need to worry about running all the cables through. From the roof where the pillar is, stick the yellow tongue through, until you see it from where the interior light hole is. once you see it, then connect it to the newly installed microphone and you can put back together your interior light.
    5. We need to know run the cable down to under the seat where the bluetooth module sits. Run the cable through the pillar making sure no wires is visible. From that we stick the cable under the steering wheel. Once we do that, we then put the Pillar back on. Once the pillar is on and we connect the speakers, you need to twist the plastic for it to lock on. Then run the cable down the carpet, again hiding it under the trims.
      Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-run-wire-under-trim-jpg
    6. Now we need to run the wire to the headunit. To remove the headunit, use a trim removal tool to take off the plastic around the unit. Then you would need to remove 4 screws. Make sure you have no CDs in your unit. Once the screws are off, pull the unit off gently, then disconnecting the cables. You now need to run the wires, from under the steering wheel, to the headunit using the yellow tongue again. Do make sure youre always hiding the cables so they're not exposed!
      Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-run-wire-through-headunit-jpg

      This is the wires being run through into the headunit. Make sure you put it through the right hole so it fits!
    7. If you have a plug'n'play harness, simply connect to existing car cables, then put the other end into the unit and that should be done! If you dont have plug'n'play, this is when it becomes tricky and requires splicing and soldering of wires. Follow this diagram;
      Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-pin-jpgInstall 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-can-jpg
    8. Connect the green bluetooth plug into the existing harness (if not using plug'n'play) Once you cut and connect the correct wires, then you solder and use your heatshrink
      Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-microphone-plug-jpgInstall 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-solder-jpg
    9. Next is using VCDS to program the bluetooth module.
      Go into Select- Then go into 77 - Telephone and change the coding to 0A01000000010110

    All done! Phone should connect and you have just retrofitted your bluetooth unit!

    Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-img_20140923_173510-jpg

    Again I apologize for not having proper photos showing how it should be done, it just didnt cross my mind! but hopefully these photos give a brief understanding of what parts need to be removed and where the cables should run.

    As I said previously, all parts for this install can be ordered through me, for a very good price, much cheaper than what you can find on ebay.

    If you think this is too hard to do, I may be able to install it if youre in or around melbourne for a small fee depending on where you live!

    I hope this tutorial will allow you to work on your car to get it to a point where you would enjoy it just the extra bit, with the convenience of bluetooth and to avoid any fines.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-side-plastic-jpg   Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-pillar-jpg  

    Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-run-wire-under-trim-jpg   Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-img_20140923_165410-jpg  

    Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-img_20140923_173510-jpg   Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-img_20140923_173510-jpg  

    Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-img_20140923_173510-jpg   Install 9w2/9w7 Bluetooth-img_20140923_173510-jpg  

    Last edited by nes; 25-09-2014 at 03:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Pacific Paradise QLD
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    You can rotate them and save them in Windows Photo viewer
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    You can rotate them and save them in Windows Photo viewer
    Ive already tried that before i posted it, and it worked every other angle except the right way up

    EDIT: Had to rotate a full 360 then resave it for it to upload striaght
    Last edited by nes; 25-09-2014 at 03:21 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    ivanhoe vic
    Very nice what sort of pricing are u quoting fkf the rcd 510 and bluetooth?
    B6 Passat Wagon No KESSY

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by OilBurna View Post
    Very nice what sort of pricing are u quoting fkf the rcd 510 and bluetooth?
    Where abouts do you live, and were you after 9w7 or 9w2 Bluetooth ?

  6. #6
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    ivanhoe vic
    Eastern subs Ivanhoe have a 2007 passat tdi

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    B6 Passat Wagon No KESSY

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Check pm mate

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Nes are you still supplying bluetooth units (9w7 or 9w2)?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The plug and play kits are far easier than the one above. No wiring changes required...just plug and play....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkhorse Developments View Post
    The plug and play kits are far easier than the one above. No wiring changes required...just plug and play....
    Do you guys do them? I'm finally looking at adding bt to my RCD 510. How much would it sting me?

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