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Thread: I need duff duff

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC

    I need duff duff

    Ha ha ha,

    Not really but my stock stereo when u turn it up loud it sounds like my skool PA system which is really loud and scretchy...

    So i want to get a CD head unit, with detachable face and im also thinking about it having a USB port so i can just plug one in loaded with tunes...

    I heard of all the brands, Kenwood, Pioneer, JL Audio, Pulk, Bose, Bluapunkt, Sony ect but which one?

    I just wan2 to run 4 speckers front doors and back doors and nothing super funky and heavy...

    Oh and also is there speckers in the dash of a Mk3?

    Cheers James

    ps I know some of the Vic boys work in car joints so could u hook a fellow dubber up...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    There are plenty of options, depending on your budget. If you want
    to improve sound at low price. Get speakers instead of head unit.

    Kenwood on the list makes good head unit, other option alpine and clarion makes good H/U too.

    On the dash, they are not speakers but crappy fuzzy OEM tweeters, I suggest you change them too. I was going to leave them in but they mess up the sound image of my new speakers. Saw a pair of clarion 4" for $39 and clarion front split and rear speaker package for $110 at my local shop.

    4" speakers fit perfectly.

    Tip: I was told to fit the same brand spearkers all round for the best effect.

  3. #3
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    Ahhh sweet as thanks mate... Ok iv got some speakers for the back doors of a friend today who was guna put em into his GL but never got round to it...

    Looks like ill be getting a Head Unit... Im not on a huge budget but i dont want to be povo with cheap rubbish...

  4. #4
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    I've noticed many audio shops having huge sale nights once in a while throughout the year. Your best bet would be to hunt out the head-unit you want and just wait until that time comes. Seeing it's post-Christmas now, I don't think you'll have to wait for long

    As with head-unit choice, Clarion seems to be my favourite. I've got one of their medium-range budget players and have found them to be easy to use with support for USB, line-in and MP3-CDs. However, the biggest factor that swayed me into getting their stuff is their OEM-look. The head-unit I have blends in really nicely with my stock interior. The lights are blue and white though.

    Speakers, I went for the high-end budget components from Clarion too. It basically replaces the stock speakers completely; tweeters in the dash, woofer in the door cards. It came with a crossover unit (frequency splitter I think?) too. The sound was a ton better than stock, though still wasn't great when it was moderately loud.

    Louis helped me out with wiring in the rear speakers and we hooked up the front woofers to it, enhancing the bass slightly. This made a noticeable increase in volume and now I'm quite happy with the sound! In all, I reckon you can spend no more than $400 for a very very decent sound system.
    Last edited by rayray086; 26-12-2007 at 03:04 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Yeah sweet as Raymond... So u have replaced head unit, speakers in dash and the front and rear door speakers?

    Sounds good

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Bunyip, Victoria
    Do you have speakers in the doors? (front) if so, i wouldn't bother putting 4" speakers in the dash, and getting some 6.5" splits for the doors, and mount the tweeters in the dash.

    I'm loving VDO Dayton at the moment, the tweeters are realy mellow, and i like that. Not to mention that 4, 5.25 and 6.5" splits are all $99.
    I have modified a set of 4" and a set of 6.5" to make a 3way split using cutom crossovers. Its not often you find 3 way splits for less that $500, but mine where under $200.

  7. #7
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    I prefer splits too. They just seem more "pure" in a sense that a different speaker is relegated a specific sound frequency range.

    James, yeah I've replaced the head-unit, front speakers (tweeters and woofer), and wired in rear speakers. My Golf never came with rear speakers nor the wiring!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
    JL audio and bose makes good speakers. THat's the way that I would be heading with speakers. Pioneer are also good, and a bit cheaper too. If you feeling rich, get JBL speakers. Harder to find, cause they mainly do home theater stuff, but damn they are nice. Bang and Ofelsen is also good. An flipping expensive, and I don't think they do car audio. BUt damn they're good.

    Head unit wise Apline and ken's are always pretty good quailty also clarion too. pioneer again, a respected brand.

    Splits are good as the guys have mentioned; but are expensive. My bro recently got a new SS for his car, and he got a set of 4" free with the head unit, and then two 6" as well. So you might be able to get some free speakers with the H/U or something, or get a speaker "bundle" so to speak, but you'll have to look around for those.

    If you go to JB (generally the place for a bargain..) and you buy a whole lot, the will give you a bigger discount, as well as a few bucks for paying in cash, and of corse, christmas and new years is always a good time to get a bargain with all the sales on etc.

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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Bunyip, Victoria
    I wouldn't touch bose, pioneer, or JBL in car audio. Its all crap. Especialy Pioneer speakers. as far as brand name stuff, Clarion, kenwood, Polk, hertz, Alpine, MB Quarts, Boston and a couple of others whose names escape me right now.

    Like i said, i'm liking VDO, but i think i'm the only one

    It all comes down to what falls into your price range, so shop around and have a listen to as many as you can, side by side.
    You will be amazed the differance from one to anouther, at the same price, and how good you can get, for suprisingly little.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Ok i think i know what i want now i just gota go for a look... Can u run six speakers off the head unit?

    Cheers James

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