You wont fit an amp under the seat, at least I didn't think I could, so mine got mounted on the back of the rear seats:
I usually do all my own installations, but in this case I payed AutoBarn $80 to put the amp in and run all the wires... in other words I let them solve the power through the firewall problem. This is that they did:
Fuse mount:
Power goes through behind here: (will have to see if I can dig you up a better photo)
The RCA's and what not then run down either side of the car under the door scuttle panels, under the rear seats, then into the hatch space.
I did the head unit, speakers and have since changed the amp and added the sub, but I'm still using the original power cables they laid for me. If I had to do it now I probably could since I now know where to put the wires
The only issue you will then have is running the speaker wires back to the stock locations, in my case the 6x9's in the parcel shelf are powered so it was nice and easy.
If you want to do it yourself, head to the local auto place and talk to them about what your doing and ask them where they would recommend mounting the amp. If they aren't exactly helpful, go to another place (or make out like you are going to get them to do it and just ask where "they" will be putting it... then go home and do it yourself)