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Thread: Help Please - how do i connect additional LED strip to existing DRLs?

  1. #1
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    Help Please - how do i connect additional LED strip to existing DRLs?

    seeking guidance/assistance/help with wiring a secondary DRL light to my car (Skoda Superb 2017).

    Essentially i have a project that i'm looking at doing that involves adding an additional LED strip, that will behave just like the factory DRLs.
    when the factory DRLs r at full power, the additional LED strip will also b at full power.
    when the factory DRLs r dimmed, the additional LED strip will also dim.

    my initial plans were to splice into the appropriate wire at the headlight connector, and piggyback the additional LED strip (12v) off that.
    however research and advice from various forum members is that i should do it properly and get it wired to the BCM, and configured that way.

    My car is a Skoda Superb MY17, with factory DRLs in the bi-xenon headlights.

    i've read the vw-mqb-golf-mk7-lighting-explanation PDF, on how MQB platform vehicles control external lights, and whilst i have a better idea now, however i'm not 100% sure, hence me reaching out for advice/guidance.

    My plan is to use an unused BCM channel (i only need 1 channel/wire for this purpose), set Lichtfunktion, set Dimmwert, set Dimming etc etc, run the wire to the pin that matches the Leuchte channel - and Bob's my uncle.

    Looking at the admap for my 09 Central Electrics currently, i have homed in on some potential empty Leuchte channels that i could use, where the Lasttyp is currently "not active".
    - Leuchte9FL RB2
    - Leuchte8FL LB39
    - Leuchte10SHUTTER B23
    - Leuchte11SHUTTER B22
    - Leuchte27NSL RC6
    - Leuchte31AMBL C61
    - Leuchte32AMBL C35
    - Leuchte33AMBL C36
    - Leuchte34AMBL C37

    however i'm sure about using the Ambient lighting channels - AMBL, or the Bi-xenon SHUTTER channels.
    looking at how VW uses the light bar in their latest models, they've used the Ambient lighting channel, setting the lichtfunktion to "Ambiente Exterior 4"

    does it matter which empty Leuchte channel type i decide to use, in particular the lamp position?
    i.e. FL, SL, BR, AMBL etc etc.

    My current DRLs occupy the following channels:-
    - Leuchte2SL VLB10 - LED daytime running light module signal (left)
    - Leuchte4TFL LB4 - LED daytime running light module supply (left)
    - Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9 - 43 - allgemeine LED (left)

    - Leuchte3SL VRB21 - LED daytime running light module signal (right)
    - Leuchte5 TFL RB32 - LED daytime running light module supply (right)
    - Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3 - 43 - allgemeine LED (right)

    my intention is to run the additional 12v LED stripe's positive wire to one of the empty leuchte channels listed above, and the negative to a ground point.
    then i copy the values from Leuchte2SL VLB10 to the chosen Leuchte channel.

    below is an example using Leuchte8FL as the target channel:-

    channel > current value > new value
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimming Direction CD 8 > maximize (current) > maximize (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimming Direction EF 8 > maximize (current) > maximize (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimming Direction GH 8 > maximize (current) > maximize (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert AB 8 > 0 (current) > 127 (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert CD 8 > 0 (current) > 127 (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert EF 8 > 0 (current) > 0 (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert GH 8 > 0 (current) > 0 (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 8 > 0 (current) > 49 ?? (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lampendefektbitposition 8 > 0 (current) > 48?? (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lasttyp 8 > not active (current) > 1 - LED Tagfahrlichtmodul Versorgung (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 8 > Always (current) > Always (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion A 8 > not active (current) > Daytime running lamps (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion B 8 > not active (current) > not active (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion C 8 > not active (current) > Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht: Positionslicht: Begrenzungslicht) (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion D 8 > not active (current) > Parking light left (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion E 8 > not active (current) > Blinken links aktiv (beide Phasen) ??? (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion F 8 > not active (current) > not active (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion G 8 > not active (current) > not active (new)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion H 8 > not active (current) > not active (new)

    does this sound like a plan that would work?
    i'm not sure if this is sufficient enough, and if i'll need to do additional coding.

    I'm comfortable with accessing the BCM as I've done it before when I did the illuminated door sills retrofit. for that one, i had to access pins C12 and C67, which was accessing the existing interior light and door contact switch.


    a link to my current 09 central electrics admap is here.

    also, with regards to the actual BCM wire, where can i buy these, and is there a particular size. i notice the outer pins r bigger compared to the inner pins.
    for example, Pin B39 is different to C61

    Help Please - how do i connect additional LED strip to existing DRLs?-had351a51950b49f29df3690b88354a08p-jpg

    MY17 Superb 162TSI, Business Grey, Tech+Comfort Pack, APR ECU+TCU Stg 1, SLA, Rieger Splitter + Side Skirts, Eibach Pro-Kit Springs, Hardrace Swaybar, TPMS

  2. #2
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    JR: arrhh......... that's better - thanks for shifting your questions to the forum proper!!

    OK- interesting project!

    First point, I can't access your admap - when I try your link, it tells me that it's converting something! I just need the raw .CSV file from VCDS - nothing fancy!

    Second point - I'm more familiar with Golf mk7/mk7.5, but your Superb shares the same MQB platform build - so much of the DNA in both models is similar

    So - let's talk about BCMs! Since this car is MY17, I assume that the hex09 module doesn't have an active long-code (VCDS often reports this as a long-code value with a zero-string). If so, the critical aspect of the module's coding for your purpose (I think) is the channel below:
    • ENG141650-ENG141973-Fernlicht_assistent-Erweiterte_Fernlichtsteuerung

    This channel tells the BCM whether the car has HID, or incandescent headlamps and therefore how to manage the high-beam function and other stuff like AFS etc.

    In this case - I suspect the setting for the channel above is something like "AFS: FLA: BCM-Fernlicht", or similar - which means that the SHUTTER Leuchte-sets are activated on this car. And importantly, it also means that the normal High-beam Leuchte-sets for incandescent headlights are NOT activated. That's why your intended Leuchte8FL LB39 is factory disabled on your BCM - it's because this would have controlled the left-side high-beam lamp had this car been factory built with Halogen headlight fittings!!

    As an overall response to the matters in your post - I reckon that your general approach should work. That said, care should be exercised in choosing the Leuchte-set that will be used to power the LED strip because not ALL deactivated Leuchte-sets have their appropriate pins populated on the housing socket. In fact most factory deactivated Leuchte-sets are missing both the physical pin on the BCM motherboard and the associated electronic components. However I suspect that this is not the case for B39 and B2. If you intend to use any other Leuchte-set - I suggest that you physically sight the appropriate motherboard pin before proceeding with the project.

    As for your proposed programming of Leuchte8FL LB39 - a few observations for your consideration:
    1. As you will doubtless be aware, the factory DRLs have a facility called "DRL wink" - which switches-OFF/dims the DRL on one car-side when the turn-signal is activated during day-light conditions. I assume that there is only ONE LED-strip in this project. I note that your proposed programming of Leuchte8 includes DRL wink - but it only uses the left-side Leuchte-command. If you want DRL wink to work properly on the LED - strip, you will need to also add the right-side Leuchte-command - which is Blinken rechts aktiv (beide Phasen). Also, you need to change the Dimming Direction channel value for DRL wink to minimize.
    2. Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC and Lampendefektbitposition channels are used by the Leuchte-set for diagnostics. These channels point-to memory locations (I think)- which means that it's important that the values only appear ONCE on the 35 total Leuchte-sets in any single BCM. I'm not sure what settings to apply in this case - but it might be easier to simply not use the diagnostic function at all. If you agree with this approach -I suggest that you set the value for both channels to zero
    3. I note that you have also included just the left-side part of the Single-Side-Parking-Light function in your proposal. Why - where will the new LED strip be positioned on this car? If you want to keep SSPL in the design - is it appropriate to also add the right-side Leuchte command (which is Parklicht rechts)?

    Finally - from my past experience with these type of "more-innovative" projects, I have found that it often helps to "bread-board" as much of the design in the first instance before actually installing the various components in a permanent manner. Of course it's entirely your decision - but I suggest that you consider a temporary set-up as an initial proof-of-concept before you purchase and fit the LED strip.

    If this was my project - I would first experiment with the new Leuchte-set values using a test LED connected to pin B39 (as a temporary set-up). You only need a single LED connected in series with a 390ohm resistor for this purpose which can be purchased at your local hobby shop. When you have correctly driven the test load with no BCM errors - buy the LED strip and the remaining project paraphernalia.


    PS: As for your final question - given that you will only need ONE BCM socket pin - I suggest that you buy from a dealer. Yes, it will be over-priced - but it shouldn't be a large component of cost in the overall project budget!!
    Last edited by DV52; 25-10-2023 at 12:06 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #3
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    thanks for taking the time out to respond Don.

    i'm not sure what happened to the link - it was for the CSV file of the 09 Central Electrics, stored on my oneDrive public folder.
    hope this works. if not, i can email it to u, if that is acceptable.!AofPk_urcE15hJUp...VpwMA?e=L4QGJc

    correct, my 09 Central Electrics has all zeros in the long coding. everything is via adaptation.

    09 Central Electrics

    System description: BCM MQBAB H
    Software number: 5Q0937084CG
    Software version: 0236
    Hardware number: 5Q0937084CG
    Hardware version: H34
    Serial number: 02001706702006
    ODX name: EV_BCMMQB
    ODX version: 017001
    Long coding: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000

    with regards to the ENG141650-ENG141973-Fernlicht_assistent-Erweiterte_Fernlichtsteuerung channel, mine is set to "AFS: FLA: Fernlicht (GLW:MDF)"
    my car came with factory fitted Bi-xenon headlights (version A), not halogen.
    i have since retrofitted (about 4 yrs ago) Smart Light Assist headlights (SLA; version B), Skoda's equivalent of VW's Dynamic Light Assist (DLA).
    it is a genuine skoda headlight that is offered overseas, but not here in Oz.
    SLA is like matrix high beam lighting, but instead of LEDs, it uses special rollers/shutters in combination with the xenon bulbs, to mask/shape the high beam.
    the retrofit involved updating the 4B Multi-function module (3Q0 907 33 parameter file, which was sourced from a Skoda Superb overseas that had SLA headlights fitted from factory.
    this enabled the SLA (high beam masking trickery) to work, along with the corresponding AFS modules (4H0 941 329).
    this my 4B multi-function module:-

    Address 4B: Multifunc. Module (J745) Labels:| 3Q0-907-338-V1.clb
    Part No SW: 3Q0 907 338 HW: 3Q0 907 338
    Component: FCM MQB Low 001 0285
    Serial number: 19031710522619
    Coding: 000000020100066E06007F0100000000000000000000000000 0000000000
    Shop #: WSC 33361 790 00141
    ASAM Dataset: EV_MultiModulContiVW48X 001010
    ROD: EV_MultiModulContiVW48X_001.rod
    VCID: 72BDD8B0942278EB897-8026

    Left Headlamp Power Output Stage:
    Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 4H0 941 329 HW: 4H0 941 329
    Component: Leimo links H02 0013
    Coding: 000000

    Right Headlamp Power Output Stage:
    Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 4H0 941 329 HW: 4H0 941 329
    Component: Leimo rechts H02 0013
    Coding: 000000

    No fault code found.

    i have no idea why the Leuchte SHUTTER channels r not active, given mine came with bi-xenon headlights from factory.

    the reason i singled out Leuchte8FL B39 and Leuchte9FL B2 is because my 09-Central Electrics admap shows them as "not active".
    i will however, as u pointed out, have a look for physical pins when i remove the BCM connectors, to b sure.

    the LED strip will b placed across the front upper grille - as per the image.
    the final LED strip placement will actually be behind, but the image gives u a rough idea.
    Help Please - how do i connect additional LED strip to existing DRLs?-gandalf-led-lighting-mock-up-jpg

    with regards to LED blinking and Single-Side-Parking-Light function - i don't need/want this. i wasn't sure wat to set these to as i copied the current DRL assignment.
    from factory, the DRLs on the Superb perform 3x functions:-
    1. DRL
    2. Side Light
    3. Indicator

    i only need the LED strip to perform functions 1 & 2 above - DRL & Side Light.

    hence, i want the LED strip to behave as follows:-
    1. when DRLs is at full brightness, then LED strip is also at full brightness.
    2. when DRLs is dimmed (due to low beams turned on), then LED strip is also dimmed.
    3. when DRL is blinking (indicator on), then LED remains unaffected.

    don't need anything fancy.

    hope this makes sense.

    with regards to the Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC and Lampendefektbitposition channels, i'll set this to "0" as u have suggested.

    in terms of a "test bed" - yup, i've got a test LED strip, about 5 cm long, that i'm planning to use initially, to make sure its working and behaving as expected.
    once i'm happy with this proof of concept, then only will i go ahead with the actual full LED strip, and the fitment to front grille.
    in this case, i'll run the wire through the firewall behind the glovebox, and follow the wiring harness that goes towards the front bumper as my grille is part of it. i'll have it OEM like by having a connector there for the LED strip, so i can disconnect the harness (along with the PDC and foglight connectors) for when i need to remove the front bumper.
    for the final setup, i'll need to remove the front bumper, so i want to make sure its all working with the test setup first.

    in ur MQB Lighting Explanation PDF, u mention the Lighting Configuration channels.
    do u think i need to factory this in, or maybe its nothing to worry about, for now?

    once again, really appreciate u taking the time to assist and provide feedback/guidance with my quest on this.
    i'm not even sure if i'll like the end result, but the recently release mk4 Kodiaq gave me the inspiration to give this a try.
    so fingers crossed.

    Last edited by dArK5HaD0w; 25-10-2023 at 08:59 PM.
    MY17 Superb 162TSI, Business Grey, Tech+Comfort Pack, APR ECU+TCU Stg 1, SLA, Rieger Splitter + Side Skirts, Eibach Pro-Kit Springs, Hardrace Swaybar, TPMS

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by dArK5HaD0w View Post
    hope this works..............................!AofPk_urcE15hJUp...VpwMA?e=L4QGJc
    Got-it!! That's exactly what I need!!

    Quote Originally Posted by dArK5HaD0w View Post
    i have no idea why the Leuchte SHUTTER channels r not active, given mine came with bi-xenon headlights from factory.
    OK - I wasn't aware that this car was built with a J745 module. The reason why the Leuchte-SHUTTER channels are not factory activated is because the BCM doesn't control the high-beam function on this car. Instead your high-beam function is managed by the hex4B Multifunc. Module.

    Quote Originally Posted by dArK5HaD0w View Post
    hence, i want the LED strip to behave as follows:-
    1. when DRLs is at full brightness, then LED strip is also at full brightness.
    2. when DRLs is dimmed (due to low beams turned on), then LED strip is also dimmed.
    3. when DRL is blinking (indicator on), then LED remains unaffected.
    Maybe try this:
    ENG116944-ENG116034-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimming Direction CD 8 > maximize
    ENG116944-ENG116038-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimming Direction EF 8 > maximize
    ENG116944-ENG116042-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimming Direction GH 8 > maximize
    ENG116944-ENG116029-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert AB 8 > 27
    ENG116944-ENG116033-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert CD 8 > 100
    ENG116944-ENG116037-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert EF 8 > 0
    ENG116944-ENG116041-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert GH 8 > 0
    ENG116944-ENG116026-Leuchte8FL LB39-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 8 > 0
    ENG116944-ENG116558-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lampendefektbitposition 8 > 0
    ENG116944-ENG116024-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lasttyp 8 > 4 - LED Tagfahrlichtmodul Signal
    ENG116944-ENG116030-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 8 > Always
    ENG116944-ENG116027-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion A 8 > Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht: Positionslicht: Begrenzungslicht)
    ENG116944-ENG116028-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion B 8 > not active
    ENG116944-ENG116031-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion C 8 > Daytime running lamps
    ENG116944-ENG116032-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion D 8 > not active
    ENG116944-ENG116035-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion E 8 > not active
    ENG116944-ENG116036-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion F 8 > not active
    ENG116944-ENG116039-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion G 8 > not active
    ENG116944-ENG116040-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion H 8 > not active

    I'm not sure about the Lasttyp value - you might need to experiment with the setting in this channel

    Quote Originally Posted by dArK5HaD0w View Post
    in ur MQB Lighting Explanation PDF, u mention the Lighting Configuration channels.
    do u think i need to factory this in, or maybe its nothing to worry about, for now?
    hmm....... I always cringe whenever my "MQB Lighting Explanation PDF" is mentioned!! The document was written a very, very long time ago by an extremely ignorant bloke whose understanding of Leuchte programming was at best embryonic. I no longer have a copy of the paper (and I don't want one) - but in the intervening years, I've learned that it's riddled with stuff that's just, plain wrong! One day when I have the time and the inclination, I should correct my appalling errors - but not in the foreseeable future!!

    Anyhow, as for your question about the Lighting Configuration channels - much changed around mid 2016 with the introduction of the newer version BCMs that started to appear in MQB platform cars. This was when BCMs lost their long-code strings and when the already massive adaptation channel database in the hex09 module became even larger!!

    Another change that happened in these new BCMs was the total absorption of the previous 665 x Lighting Configuration channels into just ONE channel - which has a value that is a huge hexadecimal-sting! You can find this channel in your BCM admap as IDE05145-Light configuration.

    So, bottom line = don't worry about Light configuration - when you make the changes to the Leuchte-set, the Lighting Configuration channel should update by itself (I think)


    PS: from a very quick perusal of your admap - I notice some "very innovative" Leuchte-programmimg values. Does DRL wink work correctly on this car and do the LEDs partially dim, or totally dim when the turn-signal is activated?
    Last edited by DV52; 26-10-2023 at 11:18 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  5. #5
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    ok, that's good to hear that i've been able to clarify some of ur questions.
    i'll forge ahead with channel Leuchte8FL LB39, and use the settings u've suggested.

    tis good that i don't have to worry about the Light Configuration Channels.

    with regards to ur last question, yeah the DRLs work correctly as they should.
    Being a Smart Light Assist headlight, the DRL has two parts to it - the L-shaped bit, and the eye-lashes (or whiskers) bit.
    they both brighten/dim together.
    however, when the turn-signal is activated, the L-shaped DRL bit will become the indicator, and the eye-lashes DRL bit will remain in the state it was before the turn-signal was activated - either full brightness or dimmed. the eye-lashes bit won't blink, or turn off.
    this video of my car shows the behaviour.

    for non-SLA equipped Superbs, the headlights don't have the eye-lashes DRL bit, but just the L-shaped DRL bit.

    ok, so next step is for me to get the BCM connector wire, and rig up the test setup, make the Leuchte code changes, and see how it behaves.
    will keep u posted.

    p.s. just in case I run into issues (bcm connector wire with B39), do u c any issues if I used either the Leuchte SHUTTER or AMBL channels?
    provided they have physical pins on the BCM.
    - Leuchte10SHUTTER B23
    - Leuchte11SHUTTER B22
    - Leuchte27NSL RC6
    - Leuchte31AMBL C61
    - Leuchte32AMBL C35
    - Leuchte33AMBL C36
    - Leuchte34AMBL C37

    thanks again.
    MY17 Superb 162TSI, Business Grey, Tech+Comfort Pack, APR ECU+TCU Stg 1, SLA, Rieger Splitter + Side Skirts, Eibach Pro-Kit Springs, Hardrace Swaybar, TPMS

  6. #6
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    hmm......... I very much suspect that the circuitry and pins on a 5Q0-937-084 module will be missing for these (see motherboard below) :
    -Leuchte31AMBL C61
    - Leuchte32AMBL C35
    - Leuchte33AMBL C36
    - Leuchte34AMBL C37

    Leuchte27NSL RC6 and the SHUTTER should be OK - but maybe Leuchte9FL RB2 is a better alternative choice - it's the right car-side "pair " Leuchte-set to Leuchte8FL LB39

    Good luck with the test part of the project


    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    hmm......... I very much suspect that the circuitry and pins on a 5Q0-937-084 module will be missing for these (see motherboard below) :
    -Leuchte31AMBL C61
    - Leuchte32AMBL C35
    - Leuchte33AMBL C36
    - Leuchte34AMBL C37

    Leuchte27NSL RC6 and the SHUTTER should be OK - but maybe Leuchte9FL RB2 is a better alternative choice - it's the right car-side "pair " Leuchte-set to Leuchte8FL LB39
    Hey Don,

    So i've finally managed to do a recon on my actual BCM, to figure what actual pins are available/used/missing.

    as u suspected C35, C36, C37 and C61 have no pins, hence can't b used.

    Leuchte10SHUTTER B22 & Leuchte11SHUTTER B23 are in use, occupied (existing wires).

    however its good news with Leuchte9FL RB2 and Leuchte8FL LB39 as they have pins, and are not occupied.

    whilst that is great news, i can't use the BCM repair wire i purchase as its the small version, suited to the likes of C35, C36 etc. etc.
    i need those big pin connectors for B2 and B39, which i'll b ordering soon.

    so hopefully in the new year i will b able to setup the test rigg, and do the coding.

    till then - have a good christmas and a happy new year. thanks for your help thus far.
    MY17 Superb 162TSI, Business Grey, Tech+Comfort Pack, APR ECU+TCU Stg 1, SLA, Rieger Splitter + Side Skirts, Eibach Pro-Kit Springs, Hardrace Swaybar, TPMS

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post

    Maybe try this:
    ENG116944-ENG116034-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimming Direction CD 8 > maximize
    ENG116944-ENG116038-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimming Direction EF 8 > maximize
    ENG116944-ENG116042-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimming Direction GH 8 > maximize
    ENG116944-ENG116029-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert AB 8 > 27
    ENG116944-ENG116033-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert CD 8 > 100
    ENG116944-ENG116037-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert EF 8 > 0
    ENG116944-ENG116041-Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert GH 8 > 0
    ENG116944-ENG116026-Leuchte8FL LB39-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 8 > 0
    ENG116944-ENG116558-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lampendefektbitposition 8 > 0
    ENG116944-ENG116024-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lasttyp 8 > 4 - LED Tagfahrlichtmodul Signal
    ENG116944-ENG116030-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 8 > Always
    ENG116944-ENG116027-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion A 8 > Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht: Positionslicht: Begrenzungslicht)
    ENG116944-ENG116028-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion B 8 > not active
    ENG116944-ENG116031-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion C 8 > Daytime running lamps
    ENG116944-ENG116032-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion D 8 > not active
    ENG116944-ENG116035-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion E 8 > not active
    ENG116944-ENG116036-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion F 8 > not active
    ENG116944-ENG116039-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion G 8 > not active
    ENG116944-ENG116040-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion H 8 > not active

    I'm not sure about the Lasttyp value - you might need to experiment with the setting in this channel

    Hey Don.
    Tis been a while, but I've got good news!

    i finally managed to get my test setup working - woOot.
    thanks to ur help and suggestions.

    i used Leuchte8FL LB39.
    the test LED strip is at full power when the DRLs r at full power, and dim with the DRLs.
    they remain lit when the indicators r activated.

    no errors, or side effects.

    after getting the right BCM connector pin, i put one in Pin B39 and another in B2.
    at this stage i've only adapted B39, and left B2 as not active -a spare, just in case.

    now the challenge of getting the wiring through the firewall into the engine bay.
    apparently there is wire plug/conduit behind the glovebox that comes out behind the battery in the engine bay, but it seems to b a royal pain in zee a55 from wat i could not see!!

    once that is figured out, i can do the final step of mounting the LED strip on the grille and connecting it up.

    the channel adaptations are as follows:-
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimming Direction CD 8 > maximize
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimming Direction EF 8 > maximize
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimming Direction GH 8 > maximize
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert AB 8 > 27
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert CD 8 > 100
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert EF 8 > 0
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Dimmwert GH 8 > 0
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC 8 > 0
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lampendefektbitposition 8 > 0
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lasttyp 8 > 4 - LED Tagfahrlichtmodul Signal
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtansteuerung HD AB 8 > Always
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion A 8 > Standlicht allgemein (Schlusslicht: Positionslicht: Begrenzungslicht)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion B 8 > Parklicht links (beidseitiges Parklicht aktiviert li & re)
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion C 8 > Tagfahrlicht
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion D 8 > not active
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion E 8 > not active
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion F 8 > not active
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion G 8 > not active
    Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion H 8 > not active
    MY17 Superb 162TSI, Business Grey, Tech+Comfort Pack, APR ECU+TCU Stg 1, SLA, Rieger Splitter + Side Skirts, Eibach Pro-Kit Springs, Hardrace Swaybar, TPMS

  9. #9
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    @dArK5HaD0w: well done and thanks for the update!

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    @dArK5HaD0w: well done and thanks for the update!

    Final update Don - its all done! the front grille DRL light bar project is complete!!
    Thank u for ur assistance in cracking the lighting channels.

    Help Please - how do i connect additional LED strip to existing DRLs?-pxl_20240818_060126898-thumb-jpg-516e30fc1ff80f86696a07ffb3f0e7b6-jpg

    Help Please - how do i connect additional LED strip to existing DRLs?-pxl_20240818_060111382-thumb-jpg-033c1ca10d51e161ef86d705ff067a0a-jpg

    I couldn't find any existing light bars that was the correct length or width, so i made the light bar myself, using an LED (12v 6500k) strip, a plastic holder, and a light diffuser.
    Fingers crossed that the light bar hold up against the elements.

    The light bar I made...
    Help Please - how do i connect additional LED strip to existing DRLs?-pxl_20240815_225435055-thumb-jpg-954349d87d3fa983a28f32d308bd13c7-jpg

    Test fitting the clips to hold the light bar behind the grille.
    Help Please - how do i connect additional LED strip to existing DRLs?-pxl_20240815_225835631-thumb-jpg-b8fb425a6286dfa86f6567d9c1994d45-jpg

    Mounted and wiring routed on the bumper to use the same path as the factory PDC and headlight washer wiring.
    Help Please - how do i connect additional LED strip to existing DRLs?-pxl_20240817_021750289-thumb-jpg-bf615c33eb9b7c68a01ac92694d9cccd-jpg

    Wiring from BCM was routed through the firewall, into the engine bay, they down to the factory wiring harness for the PDC and headlight washer.
    Help Please - how do i connect additional LED strip to existing DRLs?-pxl_20240817_0632525522-thumb-jpg-03ad10d3f77658e31a5745581ed6d1dd-jpg

    Help Please - how do i connect additional LED strip to existing DRLs?-pxl_20240817_0633064442-thumb-jpg-5489171b39bde9b93939c74e166da908-jpg

    Help Please - how do i connect additional LED strip to existing DRLs?-pxl_20240817_0538421232-thumb-jpg-72444e584c8506b5b6261a575d63a91d-jpg
    MY17 Superb 162TSI, Business Grey, Tech+Comfort Pack, APR ECU+TCU Stg 1, SLA, Rieger Splitter + Side Skirts, Eibach Pro-Kit Springs, Hardrace Swaybar, TPMS

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