This is a long shot but I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
I have a 06 GTI with the factory parrot 5.10c Bluetooth and also have purchased a grom USB/IPOD adapter.
With the grom adapter installed I lose bluetooth functionality from the parrot. My phone finds the device but doesn't pair. Has anyone figured how to get both running at the same time?
you might need this:
GROM Audio In-Car Bluetooth Extension for GROM-USB and GROM-IPD3(Cable-BTD)
For GROM-USB, GROM-IPD3 and GROM-AUX3 interfaces
Plugs directly to the extension port of GROM box
Gives wireless handsfree calling (accept/reject call)
Allows for wireless A2DP playback with AVRCP control
Compatible with large number of phones
Plug and play
from here:
GROM Audio In-Car Bluetooth Extension for GROM-USB and GROM-IPD3
My build thread here: 1.6 sr into 1.8T