My Remote
Note you can't see any of the contacts on the back of this one:
You want to carefully remove the board and flip it over. On this side you can see the contacts on either side of the switches (arrows on switch one).
Then solder your wires in place. My soldering isn't great at this size, but it works
I like retaining the original remote buttons and case as much as possible so I *could* remove it and keep using it one day if I ever need to. So I dremeled out a couple of small notches for the wires from the front of the remote casing:
I also removed a couple of small plastic pins that were in the back of the housing:
And here are the finished pieces:
In this photo you can see I have removed the AC vent as well in order to get better access to run the wires. This just pulls forward (again gently).
Issue #2. It's about now I realised I couldn't pass the remote through the tiny blank button hole so had to go back and put in a couple of blade connectors. When I did this in my Golf I added these upfront because it was more necessary since the remote is mounted half way across the car from the button. In the van I figured it would be so close it wouldn't be needed... I was wrong
A bit of 3M velcro tape on the remote and the top of the radio housing and I have somewhere to secure the more so it wont rattle. It's also accessible (without any screws) under that top trim tray when the battery needs replacing.
Reconnecting everything you can see the wires in there (the red one in the back is a USB cable for the phone mount on the A pillar):
An finally done: