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Thread: Gapless Albums on SD card (RCD510)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Northern Sydney
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    Gapless Albums on SD card (RCD510)

    Hi All

    I have been migrating my music onto SD cards, works a charm... until I hit this problem...

    There is a half second delay between trax, which makes gapless albums (such as Ministry, Gatecrasher, Pacha, etc) sound terrible...

    Is there a methodology to transferring gapless CD's onto an SD other having one continuous file and loosing the track data?

    I spose I can floola all the gapless stuff onto the iPod classic, but I keep getting re-initialising errors on that thing, so i keep loosing my spot in the playlist and have to be sitting there navigating rather than driving home... I think Steve Jobs designed all his products to frustrate me...

    I appreciate you guys reading this even if there is no easy answer...



    Having a Gap Year!!!!
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I'm struggling with this aspect with the ANS-810.

    My recollection is that 100% gapless playback is virtually impossible to achieve for compressed music; but you can get close if the playback software is clever.
    The software you chose to rip the music to mp3 has to put some silence at the start and end of each track due to delays in compression algorithms.
    The playback software is then meant to examine the gaps and eliminate them.
    Sometimes the ripping software will leave info in the header to describe how much padding was inserted.

    ITunes itself copes with this ok since it is both the ripping and playback software, but some software screws it up even though it ripped it.

    Ripping to WAV is the only solution I know if the VW software guys don't post a fix.
    Tiguan MY12 118TSI, white, no frills..... Had ANS810 ... Note the HAD ..... Now got RCD510 supplemented by 7" Android TomTom mounted on a HoldMyPhone .... Upgraded speakers Vibe BlackAir front splits and MBQuartz 12" ported sub driven from Infinity Reference 5350a amp .... oh and added fun

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    You could try streaming the music from your phone using a media player app that features gapless and/or crossfade. PowerAMP on Android has this iirc.

  4. #4
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    Thanks, but I don't put music on the work phone... looks like it i will have to try the iPod then... does anyone have a hint why it keeps "reinitialising"?

    Having a Gap Year!!!!
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  5. #5
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  6. #6
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    A cable has a "firmware"? Ok Assuming there is an interfacey thing between the RCD and the cable, how do you upload firmware to that?

    Appreciate your interest BTW.

    Having a Gap Year!!!!
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    That's the MDI box that normally sits in the centre console of some Golfs and has a PCB inside that reads your USB stick or iPOD and then converts it into an audio stream for the RNS510. I retrofitted mine and didn't want to waste space in the console or run wires through centre tunnel so I had to remove it from its housing.

    The MDI Niggles thread in the Mk6 Golf section here describes common problems and also has links to new firmware releases available via the MyGTI website. You just save a file to USB and stick that in the MDI.

    MDI |
    Last edited by Ryan_R; 19-07-2012 at 11:36 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Thanks Ryan, Whiskeywallah you are geniuses (geniusi???)...

    Ok, So I downloaded the MDI firmware... this was easy, applied the update, It appears that I have the latest version, the message on the radio confirmed everything was OK, It knew what I was trying to do... but the update was not required.


    Next bit, checked the firmware on the iPod... an old 20 gig classic, this could use an update... Off to the quarantine computer, download Itunes, update iPod, take my SD card with my gap-less albums over to the quarantine machine (wouldn't want the iTunes virus to infect my main laptop...) Get iTunes to do the gruntwork, gapless-affying the albums... synch the iPod, unhook Ipod, Uninstall Itunes , run Floola to back up the iPod back to the computer transfer the now processed mp3 files back to the main computer and add it to my library where I can now Floola it back up to my wife's or my iPod or whomsoever's in a preprocessed state.

    Take the iPod to the car...virtually imperceptibaly gapless! tadah! A bit convoluted but between the hints from either of you I got there!

    Hopefuly the Re-initialisation issue is sorted by the ipod firmware update, i'll report back if it isnt



    Having a Gap Year!!!!
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