so when i was looking to buy an aftermarket headunit that matches the interior lights of a mk4 i wanted to see night pics of units that show how well they do or dont match the red/blue lights. I couldnt find many pics so i decided when i install something ill post up a pic for any1 interested like i was.
(crappy iphone pic but it shows how the colours match)
deck is an alpine CDA-117e but most if not all current alpine units seem to match the reds in the car. i find the blue is too light and too bright but the CDA-117e allows u to switch between blues and reds.
also there arent many alpine dealers in sydney. JB hifi do carry alpine but dont carry the alpine->iso harness ull need if u want a clean install. i got impatient and got some crimp connectors from jaycar and chopped the oem eurovox to iso harness and crimped it up to the alpine loose ends harness well.
this thread on ukmkiv was a great help too, user imagewerx has some good how-to write ups.
The "there are some boring updates" update. - uk-mkivs
rikard's dating faux pas #067 - "hey i had a really great time tonight, i feel like i owe u something ..would u take $20?"
Thanks for sharing mate, I'm getting the Euro version but almost the same headunit. Nice to see how it will look.