The (semi) definative guide to firmware versions for the RNS510 in Australia/NZ
NOTE: For RNS510 owners in Europe, please see this guide:
Also this is definately NOT suitable for North America units.
User accepts all responsibility for modifying their RNS510.
Loading firmware will possibly delete your map data and music. You have been warned.
Please read all the warnings here before continuing.
Additional warning:
DO NOT attempt to load firmware 4120 on a unit with HW radio version 0003 or below (check in test menu under version information). You could permanently damage your unit!
Firstly, I am not a guru. I have compiled this information from some excellent sources, namely Maverick at and josi from I welcome all suggestions for improvements/corrections to this guide. Don't flame me, suggest what needs changing and I will edit this guide. This is designed to help users new to firmware loads so they don't have to trawl through all the info spread across multiple forums/threads.
How do I find out what revision of hardware my RNS510 is?
There are two methods (well three):
1. Interrogate the unit with VCDS
2. Use the 'secret menu' on the RNS510 to have it tell you itself
3. Take the unit out and look at the sticker on the outside.
Refer to Accessing the Setup Menu on RNS 510 head units with firmware version 2660 / 2662 / 2664 / 2666 / 2668 | for how to enable the secret menu if it doesn't work by just holding down the setup button for 20 seconds.
See the following link for a list of known part numbers:
RNS510 Part numbers
Updated May 2015: All RNS510 units with a hard drive can safely install 523x firmware. There is no need to install incremental versions. For example, if your unit is running 1100 firmware, you can just install 523x, no need to install 2760 or 3810 or similar.
If you have a new SSD-drive unit you should already have 6000 series firmware installed, no need to update. For all other units, 5238 is your best option.
Firmware 523x - Link
Alternate link
Refer to this thread on gpsunderground for some more detail, or for some model specific fixes eg Toureg RVC etc
Want more space to store music? Consider replacing the hard drive with a larger Solid State drive using JohnC's excellent guide here:
RNS-510 HDD replacement/SSD swap DIY
Installation instructions:
1. Firstly, have your VW map DVD on hand ready to install. You will need this to reload the mapping data onto the RNS510 hard drive.
2. Download the .iso file from the links above. Burn to a CD at the SLOWEST possible speed using a program such as imgburn. The RNS510 units are notorious for being very picky about cd media. If your firmware load fails, its more likely than not that it just can't read the CD. Try again with a different brand of CD, try a different burner, or use a DVDR. NOTE: I have had good success with burning using xpcdburner onto TDK CDR media using Track At Once recording method.
3. Unlock the car. DO NOT put the keys in the ignition. Turn on the RNS510 and let it start up. Insert your firmware CD and follow the instructions on the screen. The unit will reboot a few times. The whole process can take an hour.
4. Insert your map DVD and load the maps. In order to use custom POIs you need Aus/NZ map DVD version 4.1 or above.
5. Consider a custom load screen RNS-510 Custom Boot Screens
6. Load up custom POIs via the SDCard slot using this thread (for firmware 3xxx and above only):
Collection of POI's
This firmware image file has been modified to use a custom partition scheme. The default scheme wastes a lot of the usable space. The default scheme is 50/25/25.
Custom scheme is 90/5/5 where 90% of available space is used for music, 5% for maps and 5% for custom Points of Interest.
If you install a larger HDD, the ratios stay the same, the sizes of each partition just increase.
For default ratios, refer to the link above to gpsunderground.
Video In Motion and 'secret' menu have been enabled in all images. Watching a DVD whilst in motion is illegal in most countries.
Refer to Unofficial 272x software and SWL recovery CD for 'recovery' firmware if the load fails and your unit becomes unresponsive.
Alternative link (VWWC)