All links to firmware are dead , I am looking for 4020, Any info to download welcome, thanks sc.Hi, Ihave just got a golf 2008 dti GT, with the above unit, I am new to modding and would like to ask the following, secret menu shows the following,
Delivery Part 1T00355680B
HW Version 0900
SW Version C_EU_7.112_t994
HW Vehicle 0xc201
SW vehicle 0x442A3404
Boot Loader vehicle 0x442A0401
HW Main 00010002000201
SW Main 01120308
Hw Radio 004SW Radio EUR_CHN_140H
I want to do things correctly, and achieve mainly Dab radio, 7 digit postcode search and any other useful things, So what would be the best firmware to use and where to get it, I intend to use the 7920 maps if i can find them.
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