Did exactly the same thing yesterday (installing BT) into the dash top vent.
Amazingly, I did get it back after a few minutes jingling an old HDD (or similarly strong) magnet on a piece of string down the vent.
Where exactly did you drop yours? Into the trans tunnel part? Might be too much metal to try that trick. Guess you can always see if it is wedged somewhere (in which case forget about it, get another one) or rattling (in which case, um, pull the car apart)
Oh, and note that it is a good idea to close the dash top vents before removing screws.
2013 MY13.5 Passat V6 Highline Wagon. Watch this space
GONE:2017 MY18 Skoda RS169 Wagon w/ Tech & Lux, 2007 VW MKV Golf GTi