I used the A firmware, but I accidentally put the card in the slot a moment to soon. It was clearly my fault. But I hope it wasn't a $700USD mistake. Ouch!
Thank you in advance for any help you can give.
You won't get any of that with Audiosources, it's mostly just incremental changes and bugfixes, rarely do they introduce features lol.
BummerWhat was exactly your process? What files did you use?
It will still be recoverable, like my unit, will just require a chip swap. I'm still waiting to hear back about what options I have....
MY10 Golf Mk6 103TDI DSG Candy White | Revo Stage 1 ECU Tune | 18" Talladegas | GTI Front/Rear/Exhaust | R LED Taillights | GTI Steering Wheel | VW Discover Media | Focal IFVW Front Speakers | Mk7 Climatronic Panel |
I used the A firmware, but I accidentally put the card in the slot a moment to soon. It was clearly my fault. But I hope it wasn't a $700USD mistake. Ouch!
Thank you in advance for any help you can give.
Last edited by MacinJosh; 08-05-2015 at 09:26 AM.
MY10 Golf Mk6 103TDI DSG Candy White | Revo Stage 1 ECU Tune | 18" Talladegas | GTI Front/Rear/Exhaust | R LED Taillights | GTI Steering Wheel | VW Discover Media | Focal IFVW Front Speakers | Mk7 Climatronic Panel |
I slid the SD card in the slot while it was still booting, not meaning for it to fully make contact. It made accidental contact and I got a black screen with red and blue colored text that said something about "Bad Blocks Encountered". I turned the unit off and back on, and that was the end. I have the white screen with multi colored vertical lines.
Ahh it started a BSP flash. If you killed power during that then yeah it's a good chance it's toast.
As moda said though it should be recoverable. Apparently the chip is swappable so you might just be able to do that. See what sandy comes up with for moda's unit.
Have you tried. Starting the unit with the card in the slot. You might be able to get it to reflash the BSP.
I have tried starting it with the card in the slot. I can't get it to respond in any way, sadly. I'm pretty savvy with electronics, usually - but this time I had a momentary slip.
I can solder very well, and swapping a chip is no problem. I'm just distraught over my error. I've spent a fortune finally getting a decent head unit and working RVC flip emblem camera. I could have easily bought a factory RNS510 by now.
Is there anything else I can try to recover it?
Ah. Yea see the bad blocks thing is a normal thing. Mine has said that every time I do an BSP/MPU flash. It's just a stupid system whatever error, doesn't mean anything. You should have just let it do its thing, that would have saved itOh wells! It should be recoverable though, will be a chip swap. Shoot Audiosources/Sandy an email. As suggested, maybe try starting it with the card in the slot already, see if that will do anything?
MY10 Golf Mk6 103TDI DSG Candy White | Revo Stage 1 ECU Tune | 18" Talladegas | GTI Front/Rear/Exhaust | R LED Taillights | GTI Steering Wheel | VW Discover Media | Focal IFVW Front Speakers | Mk7 Climatronic Panel |
I gave that a try a number of times, but no deal.
Here is my screen:
Decided to flash my unit - I can back-up Dame2010's post and confirm that it worked with no issues.
I do have a couple of questions however...
My BSP version remained untouched at MS9.H.32.1018. Was this update meant to change it? I have seen a few screen-shots with a BSP version of MS9.H.32.1119. What is the BSP anyway?
Last edited by Omerta11; 08-05-2015 at 11:40 PM.
I have just succesfully updated MPU and CAN for my DNS830 from Goobz's post.
But I have MCU version "DNS850.A.1106" after MCU chip replacment. Will it have newer versions? Now I have trouble with climate visualization