This is a picture from my unit:
Hey guys. Does anyone have a picture of the sticker on top of the unit that shows all the connection ports and their shapes for the appropriate cables? I thought there might have been one in the box but there isn't, way too hard too remove the unit to look too!
This is a picture from my unit:
Can someone please post a photo of the new unit
MY10 Golf Mk6 103TDI DSG Candy White | Revo Stage 1 ECU Tune | 18" Talladegas | GTI Front/Rear/Exhaust | R LED Taillights | GTI Steering Wheel | VW Discover Media | Focal IFVW Front Speakers | Mk7 Climatronic Panel |
Here is a rather long -sorry about that- post of my quick view/RCD510 comparison of the DNS610.
I have my DNS610 for about a month now and it replaced the factory installed RCD510 in my 2010 Passat.
So far I'm satisfied with features and operation of the unit, no major problems yet.
Though i have to say that there are a few things that i don't like. I have the latest that i'm aware SW version: MPU: DNS810.30Oct14.32vW.V39 with CAN: VW_V02.27, MCU: DNS810.A.1010
Listed below with no particular order...
1) FM radio reception sensitivity seems to be at least 3-4db less that the RCD510.
As i also have an amateur FM transmitter and the FM signal in the area where i leave is not the strongest. So, one of the main reasons i purchased that unit was the fact that is has a dual fakra antenna input with RX diversity function. On my way to work i pass from several tunnels so it is very easy to tell at what exact point (of course when tuned on specific stations) the signal deteriorates or is lost. I also did a unit swap comparison test at home while stationary and i confirmed after selecting "weak" on the RCD510 stations that are just FM noise in the DNS. It might be just my unit but at leat i confirmed that i have 12VDC at the central pin of the noth fakra connectors on the unit so there is power supply to the antenna local amplifiers. On the AM band i can receive ony two stations (during day time) with both RCD & DNS but i don't mind about AM at all.
2) The RDS/Radiotext function is a joke, i really hope Audiosources will improve that function.
3) When playing videoclips from the SD/USB if i switch to navigation (iGo primo)
the videoclip audio that keeps playing in the background has frequent interruptions so i have to switch to listening .mp3/flac files before using the navigation application. I don't have Sygic so i don't know if it behaves better, also i hope that the navigation arrows in my(white) MFD display will work with Sygic as i have the new CAN bus module. In the MFD is displayed only one line of the file name (SD/USB).
4) The MFSW buttons for next/previous have the opposite function than of the RCD510 but that is something that you can get used so not a big problem.
Also the time needed to keep the buttons pressed in order to function is higher that of the RCD510 (never used the RNS510). With no measurements just to give an idea, if for the RCD 1 had to press a button for 500ms with the DNS i have to press it for 700ms (nothing measured, just approximate values). There is a delay when using the volume knob to increase/decrease rapidly the sound level, it keeps increasing/decreasing for a second after you leave the knob. OPS/Auto parking are displayed just fine one the screen.
About the 7" screen itself is bright enough and it has three levels of brightness, the lowest level is brighter than i like and also has some voltage regulation issues ( small flickering) making me to use the next higher level that works ok. There is no LDR "light sensor" (that the RCD has) to automatically control the screen brightness so i have to use the brightness button during day/night change. DRL of my car might be also related as the unit has the appropriate "ILL" input that probably because of the DRL is constantly on.
5) The loudness function... i find it a very bad implementation for my taste. I raises higher frequencies than what what i was expected and by more dB's.
i have to add here that i'm not using that factory speakers but i have replaced all of them with two pairs of Focal 165VB with extra sound dampening material inside the doors.
6) I general the sound quality is good, i can't yet tell if it better or worst than the RCD but for sure is sounds a bit louder. Something sound different in the frequency equalization -i can't tell what yet. Pending is a usage of a pink noise audio sample together with an Android phone/tablet RTA (real time analyser) that will reveal more details on the sound reaching my ears. I still have the RCD so if i'm in the mood i might swap again units in order to compare the output response.
7) The AUX-in with the factory installed 3.5mm plug inside the armrest is not working, it is probably wired to the big connector (power/speakers/can bus/etc) in the back of the unit but the DNS expects the wiring to be present on the 6 pin plug #3.
No external amplifier is used but i might install one for a sub-woofer at a later time.
Next i plan to buy the DVR unit and a MPEG4 DVB-T TV tuner if a unit controlled from the touch screen is available.
Don't know yet if a usb webcam or dvb-t tuner is compatible with the unit, i suppose that the USB? pin-out of the rear plugs for that purpose is easy to be identified.
And here is a quick video about some of the findings, i hope some will find the above helpful:
https://plus.google.com/photos/111874038209932467648/albums/5656560586479088769/6101223781822059266?banner=pwa&pid=610122378182205 9266&oid=111874038209932467648
I installed my DNS810 yesterday.
Still waiting for the Sygig activation code. How long does it take Sandy to send it? Sent an email yesterday, but nothing back.
I have also had several instances where the screen freezes on bootup, at the "Welcome Volkswagon" screen. Have to power off and restart to get it going again.
MY22 Tiguan 162 Elegance
Sound and Vision , Sunroof packages
Fireball Graphene Butterfly ceramic coating
Thinkware U1000 dash cams
Took Sandy a couple of Days to get me a code.
If you just jump in your car and start it and drive off straight away it can freeze.
Especially if you use reverse.
MKV Sportsline Soot Belcher
I have found that the inclusion of the device is not the first time is due to low ambient temperatures. I have 2 months am corresponding with the Chinese - have acknowledged the problem but do nothing. In my town now -25 celsius - start device takes 15-20 minutes !!! With firmware from December 2013 no such problem. The device DNS610
Does anyone have the link for the latest firmware of the new CAN series.