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The DNS 810 came shipped with the following specs:
BSP: MS9.H.32.1018
MPEG: ANS510AS_XH.XF22_4344
MCU: DNS810.A.1010
BT: 031407180
MPU: DNS810.13Nov14.32.VW.V41
CAN: VW_V02.34
Upon installation, I remember testing different things with the input cables. At one point, I had an iPhone 5 connected through the USB and the 3rd gen iPod connected through 30-pin cable. Both were being charged by the head unit. The iPod wasn't recognized as an iPod at first (No song name displayed, no folder navigation) and had no noise when it played songs. After I disconnected and reconnected the iPod, it was recognized but this time with noise. After that I got noise everytime I connected a peripheral to the unit with charging capability. Pretty strange...it may be my iPod.
Also, has anybody successfully got the 3G network, DTV, or phone mirroring function working on the unit?