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Thread: Displaying street names on RNS510

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    Displaying street names on RNS510

    Prior to upgrading the firmware on my RNS510 I am fairly certain that major street names were visible and if you zoomed in far enough that the minor street names were shown as well. I'm currently running firmware version 4120 and V6.0 maps and no matter how far I zoom in or out, I can't see any street names on the 3D map. They are shown on the MFD for the turn directions.

    I've looked in the setup but I can't see any options to turn street names on or off. Is there something I'm missing or is it just that street names are no longer displayed on the map?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shred View Post
    Prior to upgrading the firmware on my RNS510 I am fairly certain that major street names were visible and if you zoomed in far enough that the minor street names were shown as well. I'm currently running firmware version 4120 and V6.0 maps and no matter how far I zoom in or out, I can't see any street names on the 3D map. They are shown on the MFD for the turn directions.

    I've looked in the setup but I can't see any options to turn street names on or off. Is there something I'm missing or is it just that street names are no longer displayed on the map?
    Turn it into 2 D mode and see what you get There has been several threads about this if you look through the GPS forum

    V6 shows the nearby streets in 2 D mode but only the closest streets as you pass them in 3D mode.

    Have tried all methods but remains that way Also have reloaded V5 and actually there is very little difference.

    It can make a difference which ISO file you downloaded as well The one I uploaded is the good one.

    Otherwise browse through the threads as we had to to get the answers.
    Last edited by Guest001; 09-12-2013 at 12:41 PM.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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    I did have a look (well, I searched - I didn't read every thread) through the forums but I couldn't see much about it. Where is the GPS forum?

    I can't get any streets to appear no matter which mode I use. Does the version of firmware have anything to do with it or is it mainly the version of the maps? I can't compare the map ISO I used as the link above doesn't seem to work.

    I've done a general google search and the little I've found suggests that this is just they way it is - very little to no display of street names.

    When I can be bothered I might load an older version of the firmware to check to see if it brings the street names back. I'd rather have things like the speed limit displayed and the RDS text than street names but it would be interesting to find out what the cause is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shred View Post

    I did have a look (well, I searched - I didn't read every thread) through the forums but I couldn't see much about it. Where is the GPS forum?

    I can't get any streets to appear no matter which mode I use. Does the version of firmware have anything to do with it or is it mainly the version of the maps? I can't compare the map ISO I used as the link above doesn't seem to work.

    I've done a general google search and the little I've found suggests that this is just they way it is - very little to no display of street names.

    When I can be bothered I might load an older version of the firmware to check to see if it brings the street names back. I'd rather have things like the speed limit displayed and the RDS text than street names but it would be interesting to find out what the cause is.
    Here is where you should look All the info is in reply #2

    The firmware has nothing to do with it. It is the V6 map that appears to have the problem.

    In fact it is little different to V5 as I reloaded both and compared them.

    As I said there was a bad ISO that gave that symptom

    Try this link

    That was the good ISO and I just opened it OK
    Last edited by Guest001; 09-12-2013 at 01:40 PM.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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    That's the version I used.

    Thanks for the info. We'll see if things are different if and when they release the next version of the maps, maybe with TMC support too!

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    I've started to do a little experimenting. I loaded the V5 Maps disc and chose to use the DVD (as opposed to installing it) and instantly the maps changed - not only were street names displayed but all of a sudden there was extra detail - parklands, for example, were shaded green (I now remember this detail with the original version of the maps). I ejected the disc and loaded a newly burnt copy of the V6 Maps and loaded that. I waited for several minutes but no messages were displayed on the screen yet the maps were visible so I just ejected the disc. The maps are still on the screen but I will admit the car hasn't moved so it may complain about wanting a disc if I set off.

    So, for now, it seems I have the street names displayed along with the green parkland etc and nothing really has changed (from an installation standpoint).

    I'm about to organise the family's dinner but once that's done I'm going to have a wee drive and see what's what.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shred View Post
    I've started to do a little experimenting. I loaded the V5 Maps disc and chose to use the DVD (as opposed to installing it) and instantly the maps changed - not only were street names displayed but all of a sudden there was extra detail - parklands, for example, were shaded green (I now remember this detail with the original version of the maps). I ejected the disc and loaded a newly burnt copy of the V6 Maps and loaded that. I waited for several minutes but no messages were displayed on the screen yet the maps were visible so I just ejected the disc. The maps are still on the screen but I will admit the car hasn't moved so it may complain about wanting a disc if I set off.

    So, for now, it seems I have the street names displayed along with the green parkland etc and nothing really has changed (from an installation standpoint).

    I'm about to organise the family's dinner but once that's done I'm going to have a wee drive and see what's what.

    What you need to do is REINSTALL the V5 to the unit and go for a drive and see what it looks like.

    Then update to the V6 again You cant install V6 over itself.

    I did that and found very little difference. I have water and parkland with V6 but if you have the bad ISO you wont have I had the bad one and got rid of it and the one in my post above is the better one.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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    I got in the car and immediately it went back to the featureless, no street names V6 version. I popped in the "new" V6 disc and immediately the features returned with the street names without any information about loading a disc. I'm now in the process of installing V5 and then V6 again which I'm sure will sort it out, as you say.

    Just don't know why I didn't notice the featureless display before. I will admit it was during the time when I also upgraded the firmware and changed the boot logo so it probably didn't register in the excitement of it all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shred View Post
    I got in the car and immediately it went back to the featureless, no street names V6 version. I popped in the "new" V6 disc and immediately the features returned with the street names without any information about loading a disc. I'm now in the process of installing V5 and then V6 again which I'm sure will sort it out, as you say.

    Just don't know why I didn't notice the featureless display before. I will admit it was during the time when I also upgraded the firmware and changed the boot logo so it probably didn't register in the excitement of it all.
    Sounds like you had the bad ISO It is exactly the same number of bytes as the bad one but has a different hash number.

    The fault was it had a lot of zeros where it should have had data Took a while for it to be discovered.

    That's why I and a few others ensured we had the good one uploaded

    Excited ? its a GPS not a new girlfriend ROFL
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  10. #10
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    I was being whimsical

    Anyway, order has been restored and I now have street names. Thanks!
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