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Thread: Discover Media Sat Nav Questions (Golf 7)

  1. #11
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    Burleigh Waters, QLD

    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Ajay 1940: I'd like to add my voice to the chorus of disappointment that pervades the other replies to your question. It's a mystery to me why the good burghers in Germany decided to install such a dud SATNAV in their new mkVII model Golf.
    I am led to believe that the built-in satnavs supplied with most other car brands are just as woeful as the VW satnav described in this thread.

    In a couple of months or so, I will experience the VW satnav shortcomings when I take delivery of my TDI Highline. However, I find it hard to imagine that the VW unit is worse than the Hyundai one I am using currently. Hyundai do provide warnings of many things (cameras, junctions, school zones, speed limit changes, town boundaries....the list is extensive, so I won't provide it all here. These warnings are perfectly useless because each situation gives rise to a BEEP and only a BEEP. There is no way to know what the f$^%$ unit is BEEPing about on any particular occasion. There are no street names verbalised and no voice control of anything. The maps are around two years out of date and the driving instructions therefore don't always agree with the actual roads. Correspondence with Hyundai brings only comic relief.

    When I am serious about finding my way in unfamiliar territory, I attach my trusty Garmin to the windscreen. I expect I will need to do the same in my Golf.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by flight View Post
    I am led to believe that the built-in satnavs supplied with most other car brands are just as woeful as the VW satnav described in this thread.

    In a couple of months or so, I will experience the VW satnav shortcomings when I take delivery of my TDI Highline. .....................

    When I am serious about finding my way in unfamiliar territory, I attach my trusty Garmin to the windscreen. I expect I will need to do the same in my Golf.
    Flight: If your expectations are low (about the VW SATNAV), then you will not to be disappointed! I just think that a car as good as the Golf deserves better. It's a sad statement if the best that can be said about the VW SATNAV is that you need to have a "trusty Garmin" in the car when you are "serious about finding your way in unfamiliar territory".
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  3. #13
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    Hey guys, just came across a site for map updates for UK owners. Unfortunately changing the location to Australia comes up empty for VWs.

    Post 9: Discover Navigation System - GOLFMK7 - VW GTI MKVII Forum / VW Golf R Forum / VW Golf MKVII Forum


    which will lead you to this:


    If only VWA expressed concern and therefore interest in releasing an update.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Flight: If your expectations are low (about the VW SATNAV), then you will not to be disappointed! I just think that a car as good as the Golf deserves better. It's a sad statement if the best that can be said about the VW SATNAV is that you need to have a "trusty Garmin" in the car when you are "serious about finding your way in unfamiliar territory".
    I totally agree with you. It is indeed a sad statement. However, my main point holds true as regards most built-in satnavs being reputed to be no better than the VW unit. The separate units from Garmin, TomTom or whatever provide better accuracy and functionality at a way cheaper cost than any built-in satnav. This is about car manufacturers providing as little as possible for the greatest return where a desired component is concerned. Then they are able, down the track, to offer "enhancements" and price reductions that they could have provided all along.

    Am I cynical? Yes. But that's the track record of car companies with every innovation that comes along - starting with heaters and demisters many years ago. They will do the same with satnavs until they are absolutely commonplace and overtaken by the next big thing.

    Incidentally, many of the built-in satnavs are captives of a software and maps arrangement involving Navteq (Nokia) and an Hungarian software company named NNG. This arrangement, in cooperation with a car manufacturer, ensures that map and software updates can only be obtained via the car dealership - at whatever cost they want to charge this week. I would add that I do not know yet who supplies the maps and software for the VW units, but I will find out when I take delivery of my TDI Highline.

    Incidentally, Hyundai use this system to coerce owners to have their servicing performed at the Hyundai dealer, rather than their trusted local mechanic. They provide 2 "free" map updates during the first three years of ownership, but only if the servicing is done by the Hyundai dealer. I will not be surprised if some similar form of leverage is used by VW.

    Having said all that, the Golf is a great car and should not be condemned for having a sub-standard satnav.
    Last edited by flight; 17-02-2014 at 09:42 AM. Reason: Another thought

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by flight View Post
    I totally agree with you. It is indeed a sad statement. However, my main point holds true as regards most built-in satnavs being reputed to be no better than the VW unit. The separate units from Garmin, TomTom or whatever provide better accuracy and functionality at a way cheaper cost than any built-in satnav. This is about car manufacturers providing as little as possible for the greatest return where a desired component is concerned. Then they are able, down the track, to offer "enhancements" and price reductions that they could have provided all along.

    Having said all that, the Golf is a great car and should not be condemned for having a sub-standard satnav.
    Flight: If I agree with you anymore, others might think that we have started a mutual admiration society!

    Appropos of your mystery about the supplier of the maps on the Golf SATNAV, I think that I can recall one of the esteemed moderators on this forum (I think it may even have been a Super moderator) saying that the company was SENSIS.

    Good luck with your new car - you will find it an absolute delight to drive
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  6. #16
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    Sensis supply the maps for RNS510 and earlier, the current one is from Europe somewhere — hence the speech problems etc.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Flight: If I agree with you anymore, others might think that we have started a mutual admiration society!

    Appropos of your mystery about the supplier of the maps on the Golf SATNAV, I think that I can recall one of the esteemed moderators on this forum (I think it may even have been a Super moderator) saying that the company was SENSIS.

    Good luck with your new car - you will find it an absolute delight to drive
    Thanks DV52 for your kind remarks. Yes, Sensis certainly did provide maps for many satnavs in the past. This is the Sensis that has just been 70% sold off by Telstra and which also produces the Yellow Pages and White Pages phone books. Their mapping operation has its roots in the UBD street directory business.

    I now believe the VW satnav maps / software come from the Navteq / NNG operation. On viewing the European VW map update site, I see that the site functionality is identical to the Hyundai one. Only the branding is different. Anybody with a recent Golf Highline should be able to see confirmation of the origin of their maps by using the satnav menu. Can someone please look under "Help/About" or "information" or "Licence details" or similar in the menu and report what they see there?

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by flight View Post
    Thanks DV52 for your kind remarks. Yes, Sensis certainly did provide maps for many satnavs in the past. This is the Sensis that has just been 70% sold off by Telstra and which also produces the Yellow Pages and White Pages phone books. Their mapping operation has its roots in the UBD street directory business.

    I now believe the VW satnav maps / software come from the Navteq / NNG operation. On viewing the European VW map update site, I see that the site functionality is identical to the Hyundai one. Only the branding is different. Anybody with a recent Golf Highline should be able to see confirmation of the origin of their maps by using the satnav menu. Can someone please look under "Help/About" or "information" or "Licence details" or similar in the menu and report what they see there?
    Flight: The "version information" from my NATSAV says the following"
    5GO919866A 022 ROW 2013 (not sure if the third letter is a number, or a letter)
    Means absolutely nothing to me, but doubtless someone in the know can find the meaning of life in these numbers!
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  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Flight: The "version information" from my NATSAV says the following"
    5GO919866A 022 ROW 2013 (not sure if the third letter is a number, or a letter)
    Means absolutely nothing to me, but doubtless someone in the know can find the meaning of life in these numbers!
    It means just as much or little to me DV52, so we'll both wait for that someone in the know. There will be an answer at some time.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by flight View Post
    It means just as much or little to me DV52, so we'll both wait for that someone in the know. There will be an answer at some time.
    Flight: My self confessed ignorance (about the number having meaning) was said somewhat tongue-in-cheek. I'm fairly certain that "5G" relates to the chasis platform type for the mk7 (a sticker with the number 5G is pasted on the passenger side of my car). "2013" is obviously the version year. My guess is that "ROW" means "Rest of World" which appears to confirm VW's long held view that Germany and the Sun inhabit a not dissimilar place in the universe. The rest of the numbers are a mystery that only the sage druids at VWWatercooled can decipher! I'm sure that your call-to-alms has initiated a flurry of activity amongst these alchemists!
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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