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Thread: Custom Install in a MK3 Golf Wagon

  1. #11
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    i will have to get a better picture of the radio, it was done with my cell phone.
    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
    Secret Project

  2. #12
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    Here is a quick update. I have started joining the front pieces like i explained a few post back, but at least with these photo's you have a better understanding.

    Also if you look at these photo's you can see the door almost looks like it suppose to. But there is a little gap at the moment which i will glass back in again.
    This is the Left Door

    The Gap For the Left Door - It almost fits like it was suppose to be there

    Now The Right door - Much the same but i'll have to space the right doors glass bit around 8-10mm as right now the big gap bothers my alot.

    The Gap for the Right door

    And finally i'm not to sure if any of you have really seen or heard of the E-Audio Amplifiers. None the less i thought i would post up some quick pics for you guys.

    Cert for the power
    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
    Secret Project

  3. #13
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    Ok here is abit more of an update. I have spaced the right door piece out around 10-11mm, i feel i could have gone a little bit more but this will have to do.

    Also i have started on a door pod, but will update that a little bit later. As i have not taken photo's.

    I orginally intended to use as much of the standard stuff as possible. But this is what happened since then. The Right side door (Drivers door) has extra bracing and electronic gadgets in now. So the factory panel does not clip on anyway. So what i have to do now is cut pieces out of the door till the original door skin clips back in place then start sealing the door up again.

    These are 2 problems i have with this.
    1. I'll have to cover up door same for both sides or it will look strange.
    2. Mean there will not be a useable pocket any longer.

    this really sucks.

    Well if you guys have any idea's regarding the door pods post them up after i have posted the rear of the door pod.

    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
    Secret Project

  4. #14
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    wow i have not updated alot of this, will do this over the next couple days.
    Been having horrible weather not fibreglassing worthy.
    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
    Secret Project

  5. #15
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    here are the front doors just about finished.

    I have also learnt how to do plastic welding, mainly because no company over here wanted to do it for me.


    After the platic welding

    Just about done, need one more coat of primer than to be painted.
    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
    Secret Project

  6. #16
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    I have since then made a few more sanding and painting layers.

    First idea of the doorpods:

    The First Subbox design:

    Finally had good enough weather and have done the front left door pod and also the subbox - As seen here

    And finally working on the driverside door pod and MK4 window switch module to fit and clip in and out of the drivers side doorpod.
    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
    Secret Project

  7. #17
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    very cool project but wats up with the window switch relocation?
    Last edited by KI11Z; 19-08-2008 at 07:11 AM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Sick fibreglass work

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Ermington, Sydney
    Quote Originally Posted by rayray086 View Post
    Sick fibreglass work
    x2 on that one, Louis is going to freak!
    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

  10. #20
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    KI11Z - the problem with this car it's a MK3 but is running all MK4 running gear dashboard and all MK4 wiring, so i have to build a mk4 Window switch into the car for the owner.

    So everything i have done for window switch unit and also all the plastic welding is MK4 bits into mk3 bits. So if anything had to fail at any point simply un pop the mk4 switches and replace with new ones. Easy as that.
    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
    Secret Project

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