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Thread: Custom Boot (with pics)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Sutherland Shire, NSW

    Custom Boot (with pics)

    Hey all,

    i just finished putting in a fibreglass boot install in my mk4 just thought i'd show it off. Im using a pioneer HU, standard speakers and a sony 4 channel amp with 2 channels bridged, got it for cheap off a mate.

    before you say anything, yes i know its a rampage sub, but i found it broken in council clean up and fixed it with a few bucks of gasket cleaner and spray paint believe it or not it sounds half decent in this new, bigger enclosure. A new 10" is probably in the works, but this will do til i get sick of it.

    I wont do a tutorial of what to do, cos theres plenty around, but i'll show a few pics of what i did, might not have done it the same way if i did it again though but it worked.

    Making the shape (i wrapped the carpet in alfoil and duct tape 1st)

    Making it bigger to attach to the front

    Fixing it to the front. after lots of filing and trial and error i taped it into place from the inside then sealed the outside and fibreglassed it into place.

    A few layers later, then carpeting

    everything in, i made some brackets at the top to cable tie onto the frame, removed the carpet and i used the existing screw holes near the back seat, its locked in solid and the spare tyre is easily accessible still, the amp can be adjusted by lowering the back seat.

    I didnt like the wiring as it was so i made a little mounting block and ran the wires behind.

    so thats it, i still need to make a little cover piece of carpet for the exposed metal at the back of the boot, but its 40 degrees out and im out of resin to get the carpet to stay in shape. hope i have inspired a few of you!

    it took me about a week on and off to finish and cost more than it should of, but i didnt think id use so much fibreglass. my cost list was:

    Rampage 10" - $3
    Sony Amp - $50
    12mm MDF - free lying around the garage
    Fibreglass resin - $70 from bunnings, next time ill find a way to get it cheaper
    Fibreglass Matt - $40 plus some stuff i had in the garage from other projects
    Carpet - $12 from Clarke rubber, not a perfect match but good enough.
    total - $175

    there were a few other things but thats basically it. sounds great for $200, it just fills in the bottom end of the standard system. I'm all smiles everytime i drive it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    excellent bang for buck right there

    i like the enclosure moulding, good idea using the contours of the standard trim piece for a mould...

    definitley look into getting your fibreglass materials from a wholesaler/supplier for any projects in the future, bunnings should be shot for the prices that they charge people for fibreglass materials.

    you will find that you will be able to get your matting and resin for a fraction of that price i usually get mine in bulk 20kg tins, however you can get it in smaller sizes too...

    again well done, just shows what DIY'ers can achieve from home
    1999 MK4 GTi 1.8T - Custom Code Stg 1, ECS Stg 1, 14lb Fly, 18" A8's
    ''Jap cars pull the G-Forces... Euro cars pull the G-Strings...''


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