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Thread: Can't Remove MKIV Stock Head Unit

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Can't Remove MKIV Stock Head Unit

    Hi Guys and Gals,

    Just got myself a new head double din head unit to replace the stock one in my MKIV Golf. The stock unit has 4 holes, one in each corner, that you need to put in a removal tool/ bent coat hanger in to remove the unit. (See pic for the stock unit in my car). Now I've got the correct removal keys (see second pic) but when I insert them it does not release the head unit. I've used the same tool to remove a stock head unit from an old commodore so I'm pretty sure I've got the technique right.

    Example shot of my current head unit

    Removal Tool I am using:

    I've spoken to a bloke that works at a car audio place and when I described the issue and he said it sounds like clips on the head unit are probably stuffed in which case it could be a real pain to remove with destroying the head unit and the trim cage. And he said that someone at his shop could probably do it but he'd charge $90 an hour and didn't know how long it would take. Based on my efforts so far I'm guessing a few hours.

    Now I've tried removing the climate control unit and tried pushing the head unit out from behind while the keys were inserted with not luck as well. I then removed the panelling under the steering column and then the glove box to get to the torx screws for the trim cage. But when I try and remove the entire cage after removing the screws I still can't pull it out.

    So my questions are:

    1. In order to remove the entire trim cage (the bit which holds the climate control and radio units) what do I need to do? Do i need to remove the centre console where the gear stick is and how would I do that?

    2. How do I remove the single din pocket above the current head unit? I couldn't for the life of me get that out either. It almost seemed clipped into the head unit itself which might be part of the reason I can't remove the head unit.

    3. Is there anything else I can try which might help me get the head unit out?

    Now I normally wouldn't consider myself entirely incompetent at replacing head units. I managed to do it in my last two cars both of which required me removing trim pieces around the head units. But is there something I'm missing this time?

    P.S. I'm new here so I wasn't sure if this was better placed in the car audio or the MK4 forum so please let me know if I should move it

  2. #2
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    push them in and when they are touching the ends pull the end you are holding away from the edge of the unit so that they are pointing inward and push them in. Quite often the clips are hard to get in behind or the tool is a bit big and hard to insert
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Try as above. I did mine with a coat hanger

    From memory the cup holders and pocket come straight out with a serious yank.

  4. #4
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    I use 4 small screwdrivers.
    Remove the top cubby hole above the radio.
    You can remove the wallnut trim, for the sides - slide them up a tich then lift out from the bottom. Pull the trim around the climatronic.

    With these out of the way you can get a bit more purchase on the radio and wrangle it out.
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  5. #5
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    using a coat hanger works if you push "x" far in, but go that extra distance by accident and you fook the clips. I learnt this the hard way, really push the removal key in deep, then just yank and yank and it will come out eventually, all the cage, and trime bits make sense once the h/u is out.
    This is what I had to pull out to install all my wires, excuse poor quality camera pics

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    Thanks for the replies guys, I tried the method mentioned above by Hillbilly:

    push them in and when they are touching the ends pull the end you are holding away from the edge of the unit so that they are pointing inward and push them in. Quite often the clips are hard to get in behind or the tool is a bit big and hard to insert
    However this didn't seem to work either

    I think my next step will be to remove the entire centre console, the glovebox and panels under the steering wheel so I can have a better go at removing the cage as a whole.

    I was reluctant to try this:

    really push the removal key in deep, then just yank and yank and it will come out eventually
    Are you sure this would work? How do you get the necessary purchase on the head unit to "yank" it out? I've tried pushing removal tool all the way in and applying some pressure while pulling the head unit out from behind (after removing the climatronic unit) and that didn't seem to work.

    It's a bit disappointing, I was really looking forward to getting my nice new head unit in...

    Has anyone got any pictures of what the stock head unit looks like when it's out? More specifically what the clips look like when they're out? The only pics I can seem to find online are of the "monsoon" head unit and not the one that came in Aussie Golfs.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Entropy View Post
    Thanks for the replies guys, I tried the method mentioned above by Hillbilly:

    However this didn't seem to work either

    I think my next step will be to remove the entire centre console, the glovebox and panels under the steering wheel so I can have a better go at removing the cage as a whole.

    I was reluctant to try this:

    Are you sure this would work? How do you get the necessary purchase on the head unit to "yank" it out? I've tried pushing removal tool all the way in and applying some pressure while pulling the head unit out from behind (after removing the climatronic unit) and that didn't seem to work.

    It's a bit disappointing, I was really looking forward to getting my nice new head unit in...

    Has anyone got any pictures of what the stock head unit looks like when it's out? More specifically what the clips look like when they're out? The only pics I can seem to find online are of the "monsoon" head unit and not the one that came in Aussie Golfs.
    Most clips you have to slide the pins into them and lever them away from the side of the unit as they normally drop into a slot in the unit.
    Sometimes it helps if you push the unit in to take the pressure off the front edge of the clip If you pull it you will tighten their grip
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  9. #9
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    OK just had another go, in the end I couldn't get the remove tools or any other long pointy tools to release it...

    However after a lot of pulling really hard and trying to feel where the clips were from underneath, I got to this stage:

    I managed to stick my hand underneath and pull/push out whatever was holding the left side in with my fingers.

    Some 20 minutes or so later I managed to replicate this on the right side:

    End result:

    Now I seem to have a considerable sized gap around the new head unit (see below especially between head unit and cup holder). Anyone got any recommendations as to how I might be able to fill it in?

  10. #10
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    is that a standard size double din unit (180 x 100 mm) ? mine flushed up perfect once I attached in my double din cage into the console. that gap seems awkwardly big...well if it's not standard size, you'll be best off getting the cage the unit slides into mounted higher in the dash, leaving a gap below the h/u, won't be as noticeable.

    Good work on getting it out though, mine also came out one side first.

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