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Thread: Can bus codes for current DSG gear

  1. #1
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    Question Can bus codes for current DSG gear

    Hello all,

    Looking for info regarding the can bus codes for the gear being driven by the DSG transmission.
    I'm planning a dash mounted gear light using arduino and tapping into the can bus system using the Seeed Canbus shield.
    Would anyone be able to help?

    Cheers Karl

  2. #2
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    121 views and counting...seems like this project isn't going to move very quickly
    I started a project a while ago to make a gear indicator display to be mounted at eye level. The function of the display is to present the current selected gear of the DSG. The gear indicator in the MFD within the gauge cluster is too small. I try and do Happy Laps every month and I really want to keep my eyes up on the track rather then looking down into the gauges.

    This topic has been covered before on other of note is on found here...Bigger DSG in-dash gear indicator

    A great example of what I'm trying to do has been created (using a pic chip) by Hitoshi Kashima.

    Hitoshi uses his to do boost, temps, rev alarm and some other functions. I'm only interested in the gear. He is selling his design. I have no interest in selling anything...I want to help other do make their own.
    The pic solution is good but not as good as Arduino IMO.

    I have written Arduino code to run a seven segment led display, which will display the chosen gear. The whole unit will fit within a 52mm standard gauge form factor to fit into my New South dash pod.

    The plan is to tap into the can bus lines running into the dash cluster (which is done now) and use the can bus signals to tell the Arduino powered display what gear is being driven...that's where everything stops for me at the moment. I can't find any info on what the Can id's are that tell the can bus system what gear is being driven. Since the MFD does have a display indicating the driven gear the information is being transmitted.
    Can bus codes for current DSG gear-img_1002_zps4232a5a0-jpg
    Can bus codes for current DSG gear-img_1003_zpse4411304-jpg
    Can bus codes for current DSG gear-img_1004_zps71cf862d-jpg

    I have asked many sources to get the codes but without luck. I've got a bit of a bee in my bonnet about that aspect of what I'm trying to do since the information isn't actually's owned by VW. Ross-Tech for instance...they have the info but will not provide me with 3 digits of code.
    Anyway...I can rant but it doesn't help.
    The job now is to capture the data using a Seeed Studio shield on my Uno board, and with the help of Putty, read the codes coming off the Can Bus. We have mapped all the steering wheel codes , which is a start.

  3. #3
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    Very sweet project, will have a bit of a poke around perhaps this weekend,I thought I remembered seeing it somewhere in the long distant past.
    Manual MY12 RB Golf R | Bluefin Stg2 | Milltek turbo-back

  4. #4
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    Made some great progress on the DSG indicator yesterday.
    With some MASSIVE help from Hitoshi Kashima at KASHIMA HomePage we were able to identify the Can id for data being sent from the DSG into the system.
    0x540 is the Can id for the transmission data.
    Park is 540,0,0,FF,0,FF,0,0,26
    Reverse is 540,0,0,FF,0,FF,0,0,36
    Neutral is 540,0,0,FF,0,FF,0,0,46
    Drive is 540,0,0,FF,0,FF,0,0,56
    Sport is 540,0,0,FF,0,FF,0,0,66

    The bit after the Cad id was a time stamp...with the value incrementally changing based on time.

    After some driving in Sport and Drive the gears started to present themselves. In drive more data presented itself...
    1st is 540,0,0,FF,0,FF,0,0,2F
    2nd is 540,0,0,FF,0,FF,0,0,3F
    3rd is 540,0,0,FF,0,FF,0,0,4F
    4th is 540,0,0,FF,0,FF,0,0,5F
    5th is 540,0,0,FF,0,FF,0,0,6F
    6th is 540,0,0,FF,0,FF,0,0,7F

    More data to sift through...but at this early stage it a good start.

  5. #5
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    I'm pleased to report that I have the gear indicator working. With no noticeable bugs. Will post a video tonight.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by An7on View Post
    I'm pleased to report that I have the gear indicator working. With no noticeable bugs. Will post a video tonight.
    Well done Karl. Secretly, I was expecting it to be harder than it looks to have been....


  7. #7
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    Finding out what code to isolate was the hardest part. Luckily Hitoshi helped us out...big time.
    Getting the obd to spit out the can H and can L will be one of the next steps. It seems like it needs to be activated, as its not providing the data when I just plug in an obd connector wired up to the correct pins.

  8. #8
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    As promised...sorry for the poor production quality.

  9. #9
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  10. #10
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    Moved the seven segment display up to the gauge pod. Thanks to a lid from a deodorant can. Its a perfect 52mm

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