My installer says he's found a better place for it. I'll pick it up in the morning and let you know how he went. The issue has been the time it takes to get a signal so the overnight wait will be the acid test. Thanks for replies everyone.
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My installer said the antenna had fallen down behind the head unit and was getting next to no signal. Now he's moved it above the air vents and says the signal is strong. We'll see.
Mine is directly above the RNS but below the vents. I was going to move it above... But it ha always worked perfectly where it is. From my experience it has always just worked from pretty much the moment I turn the car on too...
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I just picked up the Golf. It found 5 satellites in a few seconds. Result!
I think I might ring Solitaire shortly....
Mhh...good thread. Great that everyone contributed and resolution was achieved.
I've a unit that keeps losing signal or takes ages to lock on to the right location! I'm now leaning towards GPS antenna placement being the issue.
Question...I've often heard people talk in here if a number of satellites their units lock on to ...where on the units pages will I find this information?
Last edited by HumbleGT; 30-10-2012 at 12:04 PM.
Ah...Maps--> GPS Viewer mayhaps!
When on the map screen press the Map button again and some extra info will popup - will tell you how many satellites you've locked onto in there.
Replacing the antenna sounds like a good bet.
I've had a client with this exact issue and replacing the fakra antenna fixed the issue. I ripped the broken one apart to ascertain what the hell was wrong and the internal wiring in the lead was broken. They appear to be cheap and nasty so mileage may vary. Beware!
the GPS antenna that came with mine lasted about 2 months before it started playing up. Took anywhere between 10 and 90 minutes to lock onto the satellites.
I eventually replaced it with another one and its performed faultlessly for 9 months. I replaced it with a Garmin branded one from ebay. It was no more expensive than the others, less than $25 delivered. I know it may not actually be a Garmin, buying from China, but moral of the story is, if you're having trouble locating satellites, and you have tried the antenna in different locations, then replace it.
2010 Candy White Golf GTI 5Dr. Manual, RNS-510, Bluetooth, Tints, GT-CX 18 Gloss Black Rims.