Hi guys,
I saw this on ebay and wanted some opinion on this Bluetooth. What else would I need to purachse to make this a complete kit cos the price is for the moduler only? And would it be compatible with Australia Iphones? Any help would be appreciated. Cheers
RNS510 - BT Module - PREMIUM US
- 9WZ -
Part Nr: (3C8 035 730 A)
You will receive the BT Module ONLY
NOW SUPPORT - A2DP / Audio Bluetooth
First Premium (rSAP) module that really works in the US
SMS Support / can choose between rSAP - UHV
Part # 3C8035730A / 3C8 035 730 A
Compatible all BT Phones !!! ( also iPhone 3GS / and 4.0 )
The most recent rSAP module.
Based on the info provided by the manufacturer it is a quad-band 2G and dual-band 3G module, so finally it covers the GSM bands used in the US/Canada. And yes, it connected to the AT&T network immediately with a full bar indicator using OEM GSM window antenna (huge thing).
Now, the best thing about this module comparing to prior rSAP modules (3C0, 5N0) is that this one actually works in both rSAP and HFP mode, so if your phone does not support rSAP (e.g. new iPhone 4) you can still use this module the same way as with 9W7 or 9W3 module. The difference is that in rSAP mode you can receive/read/write/send text messages.
Does NOT work with RED MFA+ display.
If you pair the phone with the module using a car with white MFA, you can still use the Voice Command button, but no Phone Menu on MFA.http://http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayIS...:X:AAQ:US:1123
Last edited by tothemaxx; 21-10-2010 at 10:53 PM.
You probably want to read through this thread : http://www.vwwatercooled.org.au/f78/...510-31461.html
And this thread too : http://www.vwwatercooled.org.au/f78/...9zb-45679.html