Hi Guys,
Sorry to be reposting this thread, but I posted this in Newbie Corner but had no answers.
Recently bought a 2009 Golf TDI Pacific, from people I know. They had bluetooth fitted when they bought the car. I am trying to work out whether voice dialing is possible. The manual for the bluetooth only talk about starting call from the handset. Is voice dialing possible?
I also use internet calls and talk on Skype (through Fring client) quite heavily, and with my old Blueant handsfree this worked no problem. However, with the fitted car kit, I am able to hear the other person but they cannot hear me. Today, the car had its 1st service and I asked about this, but he was not very helpful, sorta trying so say that it is not possible without really sounding convincing and just wanting so avoid checking properly.
I tried to find infomation online and on this forum, there is talk of Nokia kits and UHV low and UHV low, how can I find out which model I have? When I am connected the device shown is VW UHV.
Without voice dialing and internet call, I may have to comeback to my old Blueant even though it will look a bit out of place.
Any help greatly appreciated
Does it display on the MDI when you are on a call (the information panel in between the speedo and rev counter)? Does it integrate with the stereo - i.e. can you control the Bluetooth from a Phone button on the stereo? Do the phone buttons on the steering wheel do anything?
With regard to the Internet calling, I imagine that the system is just picking up audio from the device and therefore playing it back through the car, but not activating the microphone. I think that it is the phone being active on a call that activates the microphone in the bluetooth system... The BlueAnt must have a different setup, or the phone emulates a call for attached Bluetooth systems when using the Fring client. Don't know for sure though...
Voice control is available on SOME systems, but from the sound of it not yours...