well, i got my subs and amps fitted by auto barn in warrie wood. because of all this rain, my car has a leak now, it turns out that the installer forgot or just didnt bother to seal up the power wire running from the engine bay to the boot. so the carpet is completly soaked!
but good news, they said that they will fix any problems for free! take all the seats out, carpet and proffessional dry it.!
so a good bit of service from autobarn, even tho they caused the problem!
holden s ute 2002
but i still love the VW WATERCOOLED CLUB
Bloody Autobarn, Who'd want to work for them?
Tell ya's what, If i get this job at Autobarn in Pakenham, I prommise never to let water leak into Volkswagens. Or even Audis!
hehe. well i bought my subs and amps from j b hi fi, but i couldnt get it fitted by them as it was to far to travel.
my subs are just 2 12 inch kicker i think. 700 watts each i think. cant actually remember.
and its only a cheapish amp i think its a kicker amp again..
i hope they dont ask for a reciept for the installation as ive missplaced it! i know it was fitted around the 7th of march 2007 soo.. that should narrow it down!
holden s ute 2002
but i still love the VW WATERCOOLED CLUB
Thats pretty good service really, i bet the place I recently got my system installed at would probably just tell me to bugger off!
1996 Golf VR6 Colour Concept Green
apparently they drained 9 litres of water out. and they have now taken all the interior out to dry! my cars going to stink when i get it back! i so hope if doesnt lol
holden s ute 2002
but i still love the VW WATERCOOLED CLUB
Spray girls perfume into it.
I know I would. Unf.
1996 Golf VR6 Colour Concept Green