Threaded View

Transporter Good move,:)
Is there a... 24-06-2012,
01:31 AM

DoggieHowser How does one get new updates... 24-06-2012,
10:56 AM

whiskywallah Definitely interested.
I... 24-06-2012,
07:16 PM

DoggieHowser Thanks. I was referring to... 24-06-2012,
07:18 PM

whiskywallah Thanks for all your answers... 25-06-2012,
05:34 AM

kamold That would be a killer... 27-06-2012,
09:33 AM

riggsy Will do, thanks for your... 04-08-2012,
02:55 PM

riggsy Thanks dkn, that's really... 05-08-2012,
08:32 PM

riggsy Ok, primo appears to be... 07-08-2012,
04:26 PM

kamold Delete sys.txt and save... 07-08-2012,
05:48 PM

riggsy Karmold,
Thanks for... 09-08-2012,
09:03 AM

roscoe1974 Just curious Starionx, but... 20-09-2012,
08:07 PM

prince It's more like... 27-09-2012,
08:50 AM

DkN As I mention in my... 03-10-2012,
07:46 AM

turbo81 Radio went crazy today. I... 03-10-2012,
10:21 AM

turbo81 Hi DKN,
Yea I did check... 03-10-2012,
06:32 PM

turbo81 I works fine today after I... 04-10-2012,
08:29 AM

turbo81 Hi DKN,
Is there any... 09-10-2012,
05:11 PM

Search Engine Can I buy from you and get a... 16-10-2012,
05:04 PM

DkN No it doesn't do that,... 28-10-2012,
10:22 AM

Kevlarman Yes the clock on the MFD is... 28-10-2012,
11:45 AM

Kevlarman ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 14-11-2012,
07:42 AM

JettaTurbo Nothing to get offended about... 19-11-2012,
10:52 PM

boltor ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 01-01-2013,
02:09 PM

boltor ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 01-01-2013,
05:14 PM

NickVW Hi DkN I have a 2005 7L... 09-01-2013,
06:15 PM

DkN Well it is approaching... 26-01-2013,
04:26 PM

chillybone ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 30-01-2013,
03:22 PM

Keels Ans810 05-02-2013,
07:34 AM

whiskywallah I've just spotted a... 05-02-2013,
12:44 PM

Allegiance ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 10-02-2013,
09:50 PM

Allegiance ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 10-02-2013,
10:03 PM

Allegiance ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 16-02-2013,
09:18 AM

Allegiance ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 16-02-2013,
05:31 PM

Allegiance ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 16-02-2013,
09:57 PM

DkN You ship back to me, I... 07-03-2013,
05:00 PM

DkN I've been updating my... 18-03-2013,
08:28 AM

tonymy01 how are you testing the... 22-04-2013,
11:36 AM

tonymy01 the badge camera is red for... 22-04-2013,
03:07 PM

chillybone ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 26-04-2013,
10:08 AM

chillybone ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 27-04-2013,
02:52 PM

DkN Yes sorry about the... 01-05-2013,
05:32 PM

tonymy01 are you sure Brown is ground? 05-05-2013,
10:53 AM

tonymy01 your wiring looks fine,... 06-05-2013,
11:23 AM

DkN Yes Mirrorlink is one... 07-05-2013,
11:00 AM

lenper97 audiosources ans710 15-06-2013,
11:11 AM

lenper97 Thank you! 17-06-2013,
12:36 PM

Baldilocks Re: ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 01-07-2013,
05:53 AM

Baldilocks Re: ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 01-07-2013,
07:17 AM

chillybone ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 01-07-2013,
07:39 AM

chillybone ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 02-07-2013,
01:58 AM

raymondtrudeau OK I have these maps for... 04-08-2013,
11:06 AM

raymondtrudeau OK thanks. North American is... 04-08-2013,
11:15 PM

raymondtrudeau ok I think I understand sorry... 05-08-2013,
05:06 AM

raymondtrudeau Will the Bluetooth voice... 10-08-2013,
10:07 AM

raymondtrudeau Are the majority of people... 06-09-2013,
03:08 AM

VWindahouse Hi Sandy, please help? I... 10-09-2013,
02:51 PM

terrencetong168 Hello all, I am a new member... 17-09-2013,
01:23 AM

terrencetong168 No response at all... 18-09-2013,
12:19 AM

chillybone Welcome to my world with my... 22-09-2013,
08:33 AM

tigger73 Does this unit have a fuse?... 24-09-2013,
07:37 AM

lenper97 I would have thought the... 27-09-2013,
10:30 AM

MountainBikeMike What is the availability and... 04-10-2013,
10:22 AM

tangucho Hello All. I have just... 11-10-2013,
04:21 AM

dg_ferreira Hello everyone. Im having... 11-10-2013,
11:29 AM

master phi I have a video of it. Not... 21-11-2013,
12:16 PM

whiskywallah Is there an iPhone5 lead for... 21-11-2013,
07:32 PM

master phi I'm pretty sure its not the... 22-11-2013,
02:29 AM

raymondtrudeau I just got the dns 810 and it... 22-11-2013,
12:44 PM

LGSilva Hello, I hope you guys can... 25-11-2013,
08:26 AM

dread1977 Hi DKN,
Has there been any... 29-11-2013,
12:56 AM

Szymon That's great, thanks for... 10-12-2013,
11:43 PM

enigma32 Sandy, appreciate that you... 12-12-2013,
02:20 PM

Hans Byxor If you need new maps - or new... 13-12-2013,
04:27 AM

Szymon Oh I'm sorry Enigma32, I... 14-12-2013,
06:16 PM

rivol Thank you Sandy for the... 16-12-2013,
09:14 PM

dread1977 Any updates on the OBD... 19-12-2013,
10:03 PM

master phi My rear view camera badge... 20-12-2013,
10:51 PM

dread1977 Can someone point me to the... 14-01-2014,
06:36 AM

bazzle Update Steps ANS-810
You... 14-01-2014,
04:00 PM

dread1977 ok guys, ive extracted the... 15-01-2014,
11:06 PM

dread1977 Hi RIvol,
Right i think im... 18-01-2014,
06:28 AM

Chimpy2 Hi everyone,
I have an ans... 19-01-2014,
08:33 PM

dread1977 Rivol et all,
Ive found an... 19-01-2014,
09:20 PM

dread1977 Hey Rivol,
Once again... 20-01-2014,
03:10 AM

dread1977 Well ive now flashed it with... 21-01-2014,
08:40 AM

dread1977 Still havent found an option... 22-01-2014,
03:10 AM

duaned It could be my ears but I... 22-01-2014,
09:49 AM

dread1977 Anything new happening in... 08-02-2014,
01:27 AM

MK5TSI Hello, how it is done to... 10-02-2014,
12:38 AM

dread1977 Or a cheap ELM327 bluetooth... 11-02-2014,
10:42 PM

bazzle No problem.
Ive seen them... 18-02-2014,
08:47 AM

Hans Byxor Hi all,
I updated my ANS... 04-03-2014,
04:22 AM

rivol There are two MCU files... 04-03-2014,
04:46 AM

Hans Byxor Yes, I have used the correct... 04-03-2014,
05:55 AM

Hans Byxor Maybe I will try the D1 at... 05-03-2014,
02:29 AM

Jon0881 I've ordered the ans 810... 07-03-2014,
06:39 AM

Jon0881 Hi,
ok ok I got my ans 810... 14-03-2014,
09:29 AM

Hans Byxor I would still try to find an... 15-03-2014,
08:04 PM

Hollinshead I am looking to upgrade the... 16-03-2014,
01:10 AM

Hans Byxor Unit needs to be on.
... 16-03-2014,
06:25 PM

Hans Byxor That is a great offer! There... 16-03-2014,
08:25 PM

Hans Byxor All ANS units have same... 17-03-2014,
02:23 AM

gp1000gp Hi All
I have today... 22-03-2014,
04:02 AM

gp1000gp Thanks for your reply wai.... 22-03-2014,
06:02 PM

Hollinshead Did you manage to pay using... 23-03-2014,
06:33 AM

Hollinshead Do you have an email address... 23-03-2014,
07:37 AM

whiskywallah ANS 810 upgraded to RCD 310! 02-04-2014,
02:44 PM

Hollinshead I have just got my ANS510... 03-04-2014,
07:06 AM

Hollinshead Audiosources have decided to... 08-04-2014,
04:34 AM

gryzby Hi!
After update firmware... 11-04-2014,
03:29 PM

macsonny I have a DNS-710 (I think)... 13-04-2014,
07:36 PM

MK5TSI Hello DKN, you can put 2... 19-04-2014,
02:38 AM

Hollinshead I am having real problems... 24-04-2014,
04:26 AM

Hollinshead Running the car makes no... 28-04-2014,
04:11 AM

bazzle Thats why I suggested a... 28-04-2014,
11:18 PM

Hollinshead I'm guessing finding the bad... 29-04-2014,
06:24 AM

Hollinshead The slot does support a card... 01-05-2014,
07:46 AM

Hollinshead .
You shouldn't need to... 03-05-2014,
05:19 PM

HiSteveLoveTheShow I have a ANS-620 navi HU in... 17-05-2014,
01:56 AM

HiSteveLoveTheShow I don't have steering wheel... 18-05-2014,
06:51 AM

HiSteveLoveTheShow Also, is it possible to... 23-05-2014,
04:50 AM

bazzle Generally it is the time... 27-05-2014,
09:04 PM

HiSteveLoveTheShow I've just invested in a 64GB... 04-06-2014,
06:43 AM

bazzle try this
Primo 2 stable... 02-07-2014,
02:23 PM

kwalsh24 Is there any way to disable... 14-07-2014,
06:45 AM

duaned Can anyone provide clear... 15-07-2014,
11:12 PM

boba_keyost Hi all!
I'm using ANS-810... 06-11-2014,
07:45 AM

HiSteveLoveTheShow microSD card limitation 05-12-2014,
07:26 AM

HiSteveLoveTheShow Nobody have a clue? 07-12-2014,
07:20 AM

HiSteveLoveTheShow Firmware 21-04-2015,
10:23 PM

alejandr0 Hi There,
Just as the user... 12-06-2015,
12:06 AM

badboy4life Hi guys
Brand new to this... 07-07-2015,
06:26 PM

turksta Anyone know where I can... 26-07-2015,
10:38 PM

turksta Anyone? 29-07-2015,
12:47 AM

turksta Pm sent 04-08-2015,
03:49 PM

turksta i can get the dns810... 04-08-2015,
05:56 PM

Griff22 Had a lot of messages. You... 04-08-2015,
06:04 PM

ampersand Hello, everyone.
Just... 11-01-2016,
05:35 AM

MK5TSI Hi , I have a ans510 and... 09-02-2016,
12:23 PM

limpinew need help
ans510/610/810... 20-10-2016,
04:10 PM

limpinew [800x480] Audiosources ANS... 20-10-2016,
11:07 PM
Anyone have any ideas???? The MPEG and Servo are blank.. Now I cant get the SD card or the CD ROm slot to read it just stays on the welcome to VW logo..
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