I played a dvd while stationary. I have the ANS-810 unit. I did notice that we grabbed the "widescreen" version from the dvd container originally. However, this should have worked since it is not blue-ray but simply a different viewing format that was provided in the box.
I might have found the reason it did not play while driving. It is very difficult to hit the small on-screen play button/icon. My wife was attempting this while I was driving. When I went back out to the car in the driveway last night it was even difficult for me.
The warning "PROHIBIT" I mentioned previously comes up when I attempt to use some of the steering wheel buttons to activate the dvd.
I'll try again later when I am driving to see if this was just a case of difficult on-screen buttons/icons to press. Is there any head unit control that will scroll through and activate the dvd home screen menu options that I am not aware of...haven't tried the right knob yet, another thing to try today.
I'm sure the US laws must be similar with regard to safety and dvd playing. I am only trying to get this going for my son, and only for prolonged trips. The dvds he has interest in definitely don't provide any appeal to me!

I just don't want to buy a headrest lcd screen and wire this up for the few times we would be using the dvd feature.
BTW, great forum thread Sandy! It is THE resource for Audiosource ANS info!