Threaded View

Transporter Good move,:)
Is there a... 24-06-2012,
01:31 AM

DoggieHowser How does one get new updates... 24-06-2012,
10:56 AM

whiskywallah Definitely interested.
I... 24-06-2012,
07:16 PM

DoggieHowser Thanks. I was referring to... 24-06-2012,
07:18 PM

whiskywallah Thanks for all your answers... 25-06-2012,
05:34 AM

kamold That would be a killer... 27-06-2012,
09:33 AM

riggsy Will do, thanks for your... 04-08-2012,
02:55 PM

riggsy Thanks dkn, that's really... 05-08-2012,
08:32 PM

riggsy Ok, primo appears to be... 07-08-2012,
04:26 PM

kamold Delete sys.txt and save... 07-08-2012,
05:48 PM

riggsy Karmold,
Thanks for... 09-08-2012,
09:03 AM

roscoe1974 Just curious Starionx, but... 20-09-2012,
08:07 PM

prince It's more like... 27-09-2012,
08:50 AM

DkN As I mention in my... 03-10-2012,
07:46 AM

turbo81 Radio went crazy today. I... 03-10-2012,
10:21 AM

turbo81 Hi DKN,
Yea I did check... 03-10-2012,
06:32 PM

turbo81 I works fine today after I... 04-10-2012,
08:29 AM

turbo81 Hi DKN,
Is there any... 09-10-2012,
05:11 PM

Search Engine Can I buy from you and get a... 16-10-2012,
05:04 PM

DkN No it doesn't do that,... 28-10-2012,
10:22 AM

Kevlarman Yes the clock on the MFD is... 28-10-2012,
11:45 AM

Kevlarman ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 14-11-2012,
07:42 AM

JettaTurbo Nothing to get offended about... 19-11-2012,
10:52 PM

boltor ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 01-01-2013,
02:09 PM

boltor ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 01-01-2013,
05:14 PM

NickVW Hi DkN I have a 2005 7L... 09-01-2013,
06:15 PM

DkN Well it is approaching... 26-01-2013,
04:26 PM

chillybone ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 30-01-2013,
03:22 PM

Keels Ans810 05-02-2013,
07:34 AM

whiskywallah I've just spotted a... 05-02-2013,
12:44 PM

Allegiance ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 10-02-2013,
09:50 PM

Allegiance ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 10-02-2013,
10:03 PM

Allegiance ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 16-02-2013,
09:18 AM

Allegiance ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 16-02-2013,
05:31 PM

Allegiance ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 16-02-2013,
09:57 PM

DkN You ship back to me, I... 07-03-2013,
05:00 PM

DkN I've been updating my... 18-03-2013,
08:28 AM

tonymy01 how are you testing the... 22-04-2013,
11:36 AM

tonymy01 the badge camera is red for... 22-04-2013,
03:07 PM

chillybone ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 26-04-2013,
10:08 AM

chillybone ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 27-04-2013,
02:52 PM

DkN Yes sorry about the... 01-05-2013,
05:32 PM

tonymy01 are you sure Brown is ground? 05-05-2013,
10:53 AM

tonymy01 your wiring looks fine,... 06-05-2013,
11:23 AM

DkN Yes Mirrorlink is one... 07-05-2013,
11:00 AM

lenper97 audiosources ans710 15-06-2013,
11:11 AM

lenper97 Thank you! 17-06-2013,
12:36 PM

Baldilocks Re: ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 01-07-2013,
05:53 AM

Baldilocks Re: ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 01-07-2013,
07:17 AM

chillybone ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 01-07-2013,
07:39 AM

chillybone ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER... 02-07-2013,
01:58 AM

raymondtrudeau OK I have these maps for... 04-08-2013,
11:06 AM

raymondtrudeau OK thanks. North American is... 04-08-2013,
11:15 PM

raymondtrudeau ok I think I understand sorry... 05-08-2013,
05:06 AM

raymondtrudeau Will the Bluetooth voice... 10-08-2013,
10:07 AM

raymondtrudeau Are the majority of people... 06-09-2013,
03:08 AM

VWindahouse Hi Sandy, please help? I... 10-09-2013,
02:51 PM

terrencetong168 Hello all, I am a new member... 17-09-2013,
01:23 AM

terrencetong168 No response at all... 18-09-2013,
12:19 AM

chillybone Welcome to my world with my... 22-09-2013,
08:33 AM

tigger73 Does this unit have a fuse?... 24-09-2013,
07:37 AM

lenper97 I would have thought the... 27-09-2013,
10:30 AM

MountainBikeMike What is the availability and... 04-10-2013,
10:22 AM

tangucho Hello All. I have just... 11-10-2013,
04:21 AM

dg_ferreira Hello everyone. Im having... 11-10-2013,
11:29 AM

master phi I have a video of it. Not... 21-11-2013,
12:16 PM

whiskywallah Is there an iPhone5 lead for... 21-11-2013,
07:32 PM

master phi I'm pretty sure its not the... 22-11-2013,
02:29 AM

raymondtrudeau I just got the dns 810 and it... 22-11-2013,
12:44 PM

LGSilva Hello, I hope you guys can... 25-11-2013,
08:26 AM

dread1977 Hi DKN,
Has there been any... 29-11-2013,
12:56 AM

Szymon That's great, thanks for... 10-12-2013,
11:43 PM

enigma32 Sandy, appreciate that you... 12-12-2013,
02:20 PM

Hans Byxor If you need new maps - or new... 13-12-2013,
04:27 AM

Szymon Oh I'm sorry Enigma32, I... 14-12-2013,
06:16 PM

rivol Thank you Sandy for the... 16-12-2013,
09:14 PM

dread1977 Any updates on the OBD... 19-12-2013,
10:03 PM

master phi My rear view camera badge... 20-12-2013,
10:51 PM

dread1977 Can someone point me to the... 14-01-2014,
06:36 AM

bazzle Update Steps ANS-810
You... 14-01-2014,
04:00 PM

dread1977 ok guys, ive extracted the... 15-01-2014,
11:06 PM

dread1977 Hi RIvol,
Right i think im... 18-01-2014,
06:28 AM

Chimpy2 Hi everyone,
I have an ans... 19-01-2014,
08:33 PM

dread1977 Rivol et all,
Ive found an... 19-01-2014,
09:20 PM

dread1977 Hey Rivol,
Once again... 20-01-2014,
03:10 AM

dread1977 Well ive now flashed it with... 21-01-2014,
08:40 AM

dread1977 Still havent found an option... 22-01-2014,
03:10 AM

duaned It could be my ears but I... 22-01-2014,
09:49 AM

dread1977 Anything new happening in... 08-02-2014,
01:27 AM

MK5TSI Hello, how it is done to... 10-02-2014,
12:38 AM

dread1977 Or a cheap ELM327 bluetooth... 11-02-2014,
10:42 PM

bazzle No problem.
Ive seen them... 18-02-2014,
08:47 AM

Hans Byxor Hi all,
I updated my ANS... 04-03-2014,
04:22 AM

rivol There are two MCU files... 04-03-2014,
04:46 AM

Hans Byxor Yes, I have used the correct... 04-03-2014,
05:55 AM

Hans Byxor Maybe I will try the D1 at... 05-03-2014,
02:29 AM

Jon0881 I've ordered the ans 810... 07-03-2014,
06:39 AM

Jon0881 Hi,
ok ok I got my ans 810... 14-03-2014,
09:29 AM

Hans Byxor I would still try to find an... 15-03-2014,
08:04 PM

Hollinshead I am looking to upgrade the... 16-03-2014,
01:10 AM

Hans Byxor Unit needs to be on.
... 16-03-2014,
06:25 PM

Hans Byxor That is a great offer! There... 16-03-2014,
08:25 PM

Hans Byxor All ANS units have same... 17-03-2014,
02:23 AM

gp1000gp Hi All
I have today... 22-03-2014,
04:02 AM

gp1000gp Thanks for your reply wai.... 22-03-2014,
06:02 PM

Hollinshead Did you manage to pay using... 23-03-2014,
06:33 AM

Hollinshead Do you have an email address... 23-03-2014,
07:37 AM

whiskywallah ANS 810 upgraded to RCD 310! 02-04-2014,
02:44 PM

Hollinshead I have just got my ANS510... 03-04-2014,
07:06 AM

Hollinshead Audiosources have decided to... 08-04-2014,
04:34 AM

gryzby Hi!
After update firmware... 11-04-2014,
03:29 PM

macsonny I have a DNS-710 (I think)... 13-04-2014,
07:36 PM

MK5TSI Hello DKN, you can put 2... 19-04-2014,
02:38 AM

Hollinshead I am having real problems... 24-04-2014,
04:26 AM

Hollinshead Running the car makes no... 28-04-2014,
04:11 AM

bazzle Thats why I suggested a... 28-04-2014,
11:18 PM

Hollinshead I'm guessing finding the bad... 29-04-2014,
06:24 AM

Hollinshead The slot does support a card... 01-05-2014,
07:46 AM

Hollinshead .
You shouldn't need to... 03-05-2014,
05:19 PM

HiSteveLoveTheShow I have a ANS-620 navi HU in... 17-05-2014,
01:56 AM

HiSteveLoveTheShow I don't have steering wheel... 18-05-2014,
06:51 AM

HiSteveLoveTheShow Also, is it possible to... 23-05-2014,
04:50 AM

bazzle Generally it is the time... 27-05-2014,
09:04 PM

HiSteveLoveTheShow I've just invested in a 64GB... 04-06-2014,
06:43 AM

bazzle try this
Primo 2 stable... 02-07-2014,
02:23 PM

kwalsh24 Is there any way to disable... 14-07-2014,
06:45 AM

duaned Can anyone provide clear... 15-07-2014,
11:12 PM

boba_keyost Hi all!
I'm using ANS-810... 06-11-2014,
07:45 AM

HiSteveLoveTheShow microSD card limitation 05-12-2014,
07:26 AM

HiSteveLoveTheShow Nobody have a clue? 07-12-2014,
07:20 AM

HiSteveLoveTheShow Firmware 21-04-2015,
10:23 PM

alejandr0 Hi There,
Just as the user... 12-06-2015,
12:06 AM

badboy4life Hi guys
Brand new to this... 07-07-2015,
06:26 PM

turksta Anyone know where I can... 26-07-2015,
10:38 PM

turksta Anyone? 29-07-2015,
12:47 AM

turksta Pm sent 04-08-2015,
03:49 PM

turksta i can get the dns810... 04-08-2015,
05:56 PM

Griff22 Had a lot of messages. You... 04-08-2015,
06:04 PM

ampersand Hello, everyone.
Just... 11-01-2016,
05:35 AM

MK5TSI Hi , I have a ans510 and... 09-02-2016,
12:23 PM

limpinew need help
ans510/610/810... 20-10-2016,
04:10 PM

limpinew [800x480] Audiosources ANS... 20-10-2016,
11:07 PM
Hey DkN
I ordered my ANS610 from audiosources! In regards to the different interface color schemes, here is a link that shows the three interface color schemes that the oem RNS510 offers (not just the red or green color option for the buttons, but a difference in the interface) - you have to scroll down a bit: MDI Firmware update - Done and reccomended - Page 5 This is a pretty sweet feature with the oem RNS
The ANS interface looks like it mirrors the 'premium' interface scheme, the one in the middle. For the RNS, the only way to change the interface color scheme is through vag-com, but perhaps the ANS product team can possibly add these other themes but make it an option that can be easily changed through the head unit itself? Just throwing in some suggestions to get this unit as close to oem as possible
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