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Thread: ANS-810 / ANS-510 (PROPER RNS-510 alternative)

  1. #331
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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatemoose View Post
    and not having back and forward hard keys on the top left . that sucks... i liked being able to feel a button without taking my eyes off
    the IR... is there a remote available for these units?
    Dont forget you have steering wheel buttons though.
    Never understood the need for an IR remote in a car. I can reach the controls and I don't want my kids in the back to fiddle with it !
    Tiguan MY12 118TSI, white, no frills..... Had ANS810 ... Note the HAD ..... Now got RCD510 supplemented by 7" Android TomTom mounted on a HoldMyPhone .... Upgraded speakers Vibe BlackAir front splits and MBQuartz 12" ported sub driven from Infinity Reference 5350a amp .... oh and added fun

  2. #332
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    The key things to remember are:

    Don't rush it.

    Take it easy until you see how much force is needed, and then don't rush it.

    You will need a Torx screwdriver to undo the securing screws. Mine had a T20 size bit.

    To release the CANBUS connector from the existing unit, there is a lever that you have to lift (like a basket handle) from the bottom. If you don't release this lever, you will never be able to remove the connector.

    To release the antenna connector, you slide the little tag away from the radio and then the connector should come out easily.

    Locate a surface you can stick the GPS antenna to.

    To install it, you will have to try and find a place to poke the CANBUS connector into.

    Remember to connect the GPS antenna.

    Remember to connect the antenna adaptor.

    You will have to work out how to use the USB and iPod cables.

    The same goes for the video cables. If you are not using them at the moment, you can easily leave them off and fit them when you need to.

    Oh yes, have patience when running the navigator software for the first time. Scrolling through the file list may see you tear your hair out. You only have to do this once.

  3. #333
    Quote Originally Posted by whiskywallah View Post
    Dont forget you have steering wheel buttons though.
    Never understood the need for an IR remote in a car. I can reach the controls and I don't want my kids in the back to fiddle with it !
    i only have volume controls on mine. unless there is a way the back forward buttons will work with the ANS710. they previously only work for the MFD navigation

  4. #334
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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatemoose View Post
    i only have volume controls on mine. unless there is a way the back forward buttons will work with the ANS710. they previously only work for the MFD navigation
    If your MFD is on the radio screen, the arrow buttons work as back and forward buttons, they skip songs in media, change stations in radio and skip chapters in DVD I believe.

  5. #335
    is there any issue with car imobilizers or alarms if i take the head unit out?

  6. #336
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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatemoose View Post
    is there any issue with car imobilizers or alarms if i take the head unit out?
    Not that I know of, I have driven without a head unit in my dash without any problems before.

  7. #337
    hurruh so i finished the install myself. the wiring was a lot harder than i thought. i ended up cutting out the plastic at the back of the dash to get it to fit. i have no idea how i would of done it otherwise.

    so... things ive noticed.. the DTV just.. dosnt work. its not really an intergrated part of the software. takes you to some chinese aftermarket thing with finger overlay.. but meh. no biggy. but yep scanned and scanned and could not pick up a single channel. not sure why

    also. turning the unit on.....i cant quite work out its power up setup. if i put my foot on tbe brake and start the car .. it wont turn the unit on. if i turn the key and then start the c ar it will. hmmmm

    the MFD just dosnt work. which i suspected it wouldnt. i presume it only works for CANBUS 2.0 and not 1.6 i might get an adaptor. i dont ahve an "audio" setting on the MFD

    Phone works... much the same as any other BT feature. its alright.. people say it sounds tinny but thats no different to the others

    the knobs on the previous chinese aftermarket where chrome and looked nice. these are just dull silver and feel loose

    the screen is bigger

    AM/FM reception is great. the previous owner had a farka to antenna plug already. so... no need to just have the one arial plugged in.

    the AV IN/out I hadnt plugged in yet . not untill i find someone brave enough to install the rearview camera

    there is ALOT of cabelling shoved under the top flip box. and the box dosnt work... great and smooth... it still opens and shuts but it takes some persuaion. i drilled 2 holes into the bottom and ran the ipod and USB in there. looks neat

    all in all.. .its early days. but 8/10

    the units could always run faster. thats my biggest beef. on my 10 year old camry with its factory nav. there was no delay switching between satnav and radio etc. no load time either.. but. hey what can you do

  8. #338
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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatemoose View Post
    AM/FM reception is great. the previous owner had a farka to antenna plug already. so... no need to just have the one arial plugged in.
    So I take it that the unit you replaces was not the original?

    Also, do you have both antenna leads from the car's wiring harness connected?

  9. #339
    yeah the original was.. some other RNS clone. i do have both antenna plugs. the reception is def better than the previous chinese clone

  10. #340

    ANS710 operation on a 2004 v8 touareg - YouTube"> ANS710 operation on a 2004 v8 touareg - YouTube" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">
    video of mine this arvo.

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