Can you post up a screen shot like the one above to show your new firmware numbers please?
Mine is the same as above.
Thanks Bazzle
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Can you post up a screen shot like the one above to show your new firmware numbers please?
Mine is the same as above.
Thanks Bazzle
Yes actual 3G will be working eventually with a dongle, I'm not entirely sure if it will be in the coming firmware though. The picture from last page is not the latest firmware, you can tell from the MPU (and the MCU since in that picture the MPU is cut off by the reflection), the number near the end 120831 is the date being August 31.
this is what I have now:
That is the current firmware, I have it here too but I'm waiting for the older BT20111115 (V version instead of M) so I can send both at the same time. At the moment the V version has not been released in a flashable format yet so have to wait on the technician.
Did you check browser capabilities with a USB mobile internet dongle?
Ok so I just got clarification, the 3G is indeed working BUT it needs a different USB port. I'm not sure if newer ANS-810 have this port by default, or if you have to request it, but if you do not currently have this port on your unit then you need to solder one to the motherboard yourself. If anyone is up to this task, I will soon have a picture to show where it needs to be soldered to.
aww.. what a bummer.. btw DkN, I'm not sure if anyone raised this issue but I dont remember seeing it:
If you reverse park, OPS will be activated. However, once we parked our car and return to "P", the OPS stays on until we press the OPS button manually. Can we request to have them turn off OPS once the gear is returned to "P" position?
I understand that it will go away when we dribe up to 15km/h.. but in this scenario..we have parked our car :(
If you dont have OPS but have Camera, you can turn off OPS in hidden menu. I did.