Radio RDS is limited by hardware as the chip they use does not support RDS-Text. Bluetooth, again, is limited because it is using Bluetooth 2.0 chip using early A2DP standards. You are right the unit was released in 2012 but the hardware for this kind of product does not keep up nearly as well as smartphones. 700Mhz ARM11 CPU and 128MB of RAM was actually above average for a unit of its type at the time of its release, in a world where many devices still ran separate GPS boards and claimed 600Mhz was high speed. The focus has always been on software. The situation is unfortunate but believe me it has been just as much of a learning experience for Audiosources, and from what I know of the new platform they have learned a LOT.
The hardware limitation is not an excuse, its the truth of the current setup. It was decent for an aftermarket GPS unit at the time, but it is still hardware that is maybe 5 years old. When you make it run 3D 2012 software and make it constantly track and communicate with modern CAN-Bus systems it begins to run out of juice, as Audiosources found out. This was not foreseen at the time and even if no new platform is to be released, there is really not much more that can be done with the current hardware.
Again, I understand it is disappointing news for current customers but from Audiosources's perspective they are doing the best they can and they are striving to stay ahead rather than settle for what they have. It's not easy for a company (not to mention the significant investment required) to start over with a brand new product when their latest product has only been out for less than a year and is successful.