So I had a bit of a drive today. Here's what I found.
The screen is nearly impossible to see (wearing sunglasses), sitting normally. Move your head a little to the left, and it's fine. I think this is more a problem with the positioning of these centre type console screens, rather than this unit. It was very hard to make out anything on the screen because of the glare coming from the rear left window. I went to **** Smith and bought
http://**** Even though it's for an Ipad, I just cut it to size. This reduced the glare, but wearing sunglasses, it's too hard to see the screen because of the double anti glare effect. Not sure what to do about that. Luckily, I do most of my driving at night.
I seem to have an issue with the GPS. With cruise control on, the reported speed would fluctuate wildly up to 15km/h either way (and I was doing 55km/h). There were times when I could not get a GPS signal, at all. It kept 'searching for gps' for over 10 minutes. Even after turning off the satnav from the menu and restarting, it would not get a signal. Other times it find it straight away. I have the antenna right under the dash (just below the air vents). I may have to try and relocate it to above the dash... but that would leave the cable visible.
Need food.
edit, so how does one show a link to d i c k smith when this site censors his name??
