Fancy! What kinda price tag are we looking at for the module?
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Fancy! What kinda price tag are we looking at for the module?
I just wanted to share with you an email i got from audiosources. i am interested in the ans-810 bu i had some questions and got interresting answers:
1) What is 3G online? can i connect a USB 3G dongle? or does it support SIMCARD directly?
===You can enter the internet via 3G sim card,but need to connect a USB 3G dongle.
2) Will it work with WIFI dongle?
===No wifi.
3) Can i connect a read camera that is NTSC or PAL or both?
===Yes,you can ,about NTSC or PAL,I do not know that camera also have this format.
4) Can you confirm it will fit in a GOLF MK6 from 2010?
===Yes,of course.But you'd better send me a photo of the dashboard.
5) Do you have any plan to support Android? this would open support for more option free of charge (Android market with 1000 of free apps)
===Yes,we plan do this,but I think not too quickly.
hi DKN, can you tell me where the SD card slots are on the ANS-710 and is there one slot for the nav data and one to put music onto?
I can't see them in the pic, and wondered if they were behind the display somewhere??
They are the tiny little slots at the top - MICRO SD cards. The ANS-810 also has these and I did not realize until I got it in hand and had to go upgrade to some smaller SD cards. They were fairly cheap.
Yup DSGVW is correct and I provide the microSD GPS card (with a standard SD adapter for more compatibility with laptops or if you have an ANS-510 or ANS-420), but you have to get your own media SD card. These days microSD cards cost barely more than $1 per GB.
On another note I have been given estimated pricing for the OBDII module, it will most likely be between $30-40.
When is the OBD module available?
Where will it plug in?
if you're looking for pre-orders put me down for one.
How much will the ans 810 cost in the uk. Mick
I know there is a local distributor there, not sure which city, but if it's the one a member here dealt with, they don't seem to know much about the unit and does not have much after sales support. Alternatively you can buy direct from Audiosources for about $700 delivered.