Hello all, greeting from the UK. I've come in desperation as I am pulling my hair out trying to fix some issues with my new ANS810 unit received yesterday and hoping one of you knid people can help me out as this seems to be the only English source of information regarding 510/810 units on the net. My problem is that I cannot get the unit to start the supplied primo navigation software, I have correctly gone through Setup menu and Set GPS path by browsing to the primo.exe file on the supplied SD card. When attempting to stat Navi, I receive a popup message along the lines of "The application did not start correctly the last time it was run. Do you want to loose your POI settings (or some words to that effect). I've tried responding with both Yes and No and the Navi software still fails to start. I've checked contents of SD card and everything appears to be present, perrhaps a sys.txt config error is causing this? Does anybody have any suggestions? Whilst my priority is to get the navigation software working,my UK supplier seems to have zero knowledge of supporting these deveices so I'm pretty mush left to trawling the net for any snippet of useful information, can anybody provide info on how to receive any Firmware updates for the device?
Many thanks in advance.