Do a search of this thread to be certain but I believe you can have a max of 4gb micro SD and it must be formatted as FAT32.
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Do a search of this thread to be certain but I believe you can have a max of 4gb micro SD and it must be formatted as FAT32.
Been a very long time since I heard anything about new firmware for ANS headunits. I guess all the focus has been on sorting out all the issues with the newer DNS versions.
ANS owners were promised new features, OBD function etc. I have the M140 version for my ANS810.
Anyone know if there have been any firmware updates since this? I tried asking Audiosources, but they kept referring me back to Sandy.
There should be a mapping update as well soon, otherwise we will start getting messages telling us the maps are out of date.
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hi guys,
i'm new here and i've read through this thread but can't find an answer to my question, would be grateful if you could assist.
i am looking at the ANS-810 to replace my head unit as I would like to use a sub in the boot but my current unit doesn't have any additional outputs.. the standard unit I have now has all the reversing/proximity sensors which pop on when reversing etc. this bit seems to work as expected on the ANS-810, which is good.
In my car I have a Vrs button which changes the engine mode between sport, eco and normal. this pops up a screen on the HU and i can touch the option I want. I can't find any other way of doing this, although it may be possible through some other means (i'm still working my way through the manual)
What will happen if I replace the stock unit with an 810? will this function work?
2nd question: is it possible to change the startup graphic to something similar to the vrs logo that currently displays on my stock unit? the "welcome to volkswagen" message isn't really applicable in my case. I noted that a recent firmware update added a function to change the graphic.
Any info appreciated :) sorry if this has been answered somewhere already, I have tried to find the answers before posting.
The sensor display will work and so will AC and door cue displays. The engine setting will most likely not work.
The start logo you can change from a list of options or create your own.
PS. The ANS series is already outdated and you would perhaps like to look at the DNS or even the newer Android versions from Audiosources.
As I'm not sure DkN's still frequents this board, is there anyone out there able to send me the latest stable firmware for these units please (I've an ANS620 which uses the ANS510 files, as far as I know)?