My gps unit won't read my sd card for the nav after the update. Any fix?
Just says sdmmc on very top with no options like it used to
No software update needed. I simply started up the GPS unit. Put in a destination and then held the NAVI button until I saw GPS Sound On appear.
Sent from my Galaxy S4
My gps unit won't read my sd card for the nav after the update. Any fix?
Just says sdmmc on very top with no options like it used to
That's only if you accidentally muted nav audio by long pressing the navi button. There is a separate glitch in older firmware where the navigation loses audio and does not come back until a firmware update.
That's not good mate, are you sure you performed the update properly? Did you perform any updates in the GPS slot or not? If your GPS slot can no longer read SD cards you're pretty much stuck because you can't even do any MPU and MCU updates without it. This would require the unit to be sent back to be fixed.
TR 08 Golf GT TDI, Custom Code Phase 1, Milltek Exhaust, Whiteline RSB + ALK, APR Carbonio Intake
I did the new firmware update correctly in the media slot and the GPS slot.
I went to use it and it said sdmmc at the top while the card was plugged in. This was few weeks after I did the update. Then I tested it yesterday and it worked fine. I set the GPS path and used it for one trip. When I tried to use it to get back home it did the same thing sdmmc again. =(. It's like intermittently working.
If I needed it to be sent back can I send it to you for a repair job ? Or is there a full reset or roll back update I can do?
Pull the SD card in and out a few times. Also try a diff SD card.
Ive had both issues, poor contact, and intermittently faulty cards.
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Does anybody know if there are any after market parking sensors that they can cooperate with these units?
A friend of mine is interesting and I didn’t know what to answer him.
And one last thing, is it compatible (ANS/DNS 810) to install on VW Amarok?
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by rivol; 06-07-2013 at 04:08 PM.
If you mean you want to show the parking sensor information on screen like the OEM OPS system then no, you will need the OEM system to see the OPS information. If you just want parking sensors, they don't really integrate with anything, even the OEM PDC sensors just beep at varying rates depending on the distance, nothing more.
The units are compatible with Amarok.
TR 08 Golf GT TDI, Custom Code Phase 1, Milltek Exhaust, Whiteline RSB + ALK, APR Carbonio Intake
Sandy, I thought that the screen could show the sensor display, as in 4:40 of your (second) video of that Golf here - or am I misunderstanding the abbreviations?
Last edited by PeterMs; 07-07-2013 at 01:25 PM. Reason: Clarification
The factory PDC sensors by themselves are just sensors, they do not have any means of sending information such as distance to detected object etc. Likewise for any aftermarket sensors.
With the addition of the factory OPS system all the information for the factory PDC sensors can be read and displayed on screen. The ANS / DNS series units are fully compatible with the OPS system and will show all sensor information just like the OEM units, but without the OPS system it is not possible to get this information for display, not even for the OEM RNS-510.
Hope this clears things up.
Last edited by DkN; 07-07-2013 at 11:04 PM.
TR 08 Golf GT TDI, Custom Code Phase 1, Milltek Exhaust, Whiteline RSB + ALK, APR Carbonio Intake
These units work quite well (when they want) with nearly any aftermarket reverse camera. A better option in my opinion than beepers. Last one I fitted on someones car was $19.99
170°WATERPROOF Night View CCD CAR Rear View Reversing Backup Color Camera | eBay
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