I can't wait for DkN to get back from holidays :) I am so happy I stumbled across this! I am looking forward to this group buy!
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I can't wait for DkN to get back from holidays :) I am so happy I stumbled across this! I am looking forward to this group buy!
Me too. Hurry up DkN haha! :p
I'm just about ready to throw the ****ty generic chinese headunit in my new car out the window. It's horrible. Especially after using the VXMMI in my old car for years, that thing was lightyears ahead of the generic chinese ones, and the ANS/DNS looks way better than my old VXMMI....
I am back guys sorry I was catering to the group buy :wink:
Seems some of you have the reverse OPS issue - please do READ every update I send out and not just download the files even if you have done it plenty of times before - If anything changes or new information comes up I put them in the update emails. Check the last (or the one before that) update email I sent, I explained that you have to flash a different MCU file if you do not have factory OPS / reverse camera.
If you can't find that info, drop me a PM and I will give you the link.
Sorry, had to register just to ask a question. I've had this unit for about three months. All of a sudden I get no sound from the GPS Unit. Radio works fine, but I hear no navigation voice or alerts when I am in GPS mode. All of the volumes are on, nothing is muted. Does anyone have any suggestions? Faulty fuse in the unit itself? Something disconnected??
I've factory reset the unit twice and no change.
Any suggestions appreciated.
Sorry Sandy that's not correct, here is the email you sent for the update that started the reverse OPS issue;
New firmware update is available for M version ANS units.
This update is only incremental and focuses more on options available in the hidden menu (long press middle of the far left screen in Aux-In menu). I have not identified any substantial updates to everyday usage so feel free to skip this update if you want.
Note there are changes to the update instructions as we now have clearer explanation on the difference between certain MCU files. You will need to read the updated instructions to proceed with this update.
A reminder that all Skoda customers can change the skin to green after the update by using the hidden menu referred to above.
Updated firmware flashing instructions:
Latest M99 firmware:
And if you read the new instructions there is no mention of it either.
And here is the email before;
New firmware update is available for your ANS unit. Please see below:
Updated flashing instructions – please read:
M version firmware:
V version firmware:
The update for the M version firmware should fix any black screen issues with the reverse camera.
Please note the new V version software currently only has English and Traditional Chinese as language options.
For Skoda users, there is a new simpler procedure to change the colour. The setting under setup -> display -> key colour should now work instantaneously when you select a colour, and to change the loading screen images, you can select these directly in the previous hidden menu, accessed by going to the Aux-In screen, then pressing and holding the middle of the far left of the screen. You can separately choose the boot logo and load screen logo, while the skin colour setting is in the “model select” option.
Can you please PM me a fix?
Yeah my mistake, it seems a few people have recently signed up to my update service and I sent them the OPS fix, and then I got mixed up thinking I've sent the fix to everyone already.
In the interest of making things easier for others with the same issue I will post the fix here, it's just the MCU file and you just replace the MCU file in the updates I send out with this one below: