Originally Posted by
Hi Guys,
.. but I do not get the climate displayed??? any ideas if there is a setting ive missed somewhere on the unit? or is it my CAN gateway thats not up to the job?
This is most likely to do with your climatronics unit not the CAN-Bus. I recently upgraded my mk5 Golf climatronics to the mk6 version, and the upgrade brought the AC info display with it. It's interesting that the climate display worked on your old unit though - maybe Skoda did something different because AFAIK this is something that did not exist for 2007 VW vehicles and were only added in more recent models.

Originally Posted by
One other thing, does this unit play MP4 files? ive tried it but the unit only seems to see AVI/DivX at the min
I've come to believe it does not play mp4 files even though it's stated that it does. I think they are talking about m4a instead of actual video mp4 files, but I've not had the time to test myself.

Originally Posted by
Final niggle, is there a way to get the screen to display the full title of a song (scroll the display) and also to get full 7 digit postcode search?
song title display is something Audiosources needs to update, and hopefully will do soon because I've been asking for some time, though they've been busy with the new unit recently.
when you say 7 digit post code I'm assuming you mean for your navigation - for iGo you need a different licence code to activate that function (default length is restricted to 4 digits). If your software did not come with this you'd have to hunt it down yourself, it'll likely be out there on navitotal.com as Hans Byxor suggested, or just a good old Google search in general might return you with something.
TR 08 Golf GT TDI, Custom Code Phase 1, Milltek Exhaust, Whiteline RSB + ALK, APR Carbonio Intake